Jaws grow log!

i swear i keep filling some one behind me pushing me and im 100% sure it you telling me more more more chem stuff.

i really need to break out some of the PINK CHEMDAWG im sure not many ppl even know that girl even lives…



Yep that’s me 1000%

That pink chemdawg had me excited just reading the name the first time, then after looking further in all over that one! Soooo many gems in your fridges brother idk how you even EVER decide. I have one little bar fridge although full it’s nowhere near your genetic catalogue. It’s absolutely unreal to say the least! Yet…… you always seem to make that FIRE!




very much looking forward to running these in my garden, hammerhead makes them look so damn good. do not think i’ll get them looking that good but i really want to see them all triched out in my grow for-sure.

thanks for looking …


a very young ALIEN ROSE starting to show her color already.

was suppose to be running the ALIEN MATTER but grabbed the wrong one.

peace …


Niiiice! That A.S.S is gonna get real FUUUNNNKY! Always wanted to run her. All those cuts were fire but this one’s a breeder for sure! Can’t wait to see what you make with her brother. Stoked :facepunch:t2:


That’s a unique combo. Nice


Me too, 1000% brother :drooling_face:


@JAWS is the alien rose? alien tech x black rose?


BLACK ROSE * ALIENDAWG F4 the same male i used to make my ALIEN COOKIES all those years ago.

peace …


Some Blackberry Soda Baseball Bats!


And that sticky icky Soylent green goodness! :drooling_face:


Looks close. I smoked just that BB Cookies yesterday. Smoked 5 cones. I had let my back pain get away from me Saturday. Spent yesterday in a stupor after the 2nd back to back cones. Which was followed by a 3rd shortly. Im pretty useless when I do that, one after another, but it knocks the pain back enough to notice.Today it’s @SHSC-1 OTS. Solid pain meds. Same thing, just in a stupor.


@TopShelfTrees1 oooo what’s the nose on the blackberry soda??

Also are there going to be alien dawg f5 in the future ? @JAWS


ya I’m pretty much pounding the joints today too @crownpoodle.
Loosing my left leg slowly but surely … not falling off losing LOL but I can’t walk on auto pilot anymore. No feeling from the hip to the knee. Heck i pinched myself as hard as physically could this morning… left a mark but I didn’t feel a thing. Getting old and being broken sucks ballz… but hey there are people way worse off than me. Thankfully I have mary jane and good people in my life :wink:
Glad you are enjoying the Old Timer’s Stash… you are making me with I had thrown a few down for the greenhouse hehehe.
I finally moved my 7 small plants of @JAWS Fruity Pebbles out to the greenhouse. Overcast and cool out so they should acclimate well before we get another hot spell.
I’ll get some pics before I axe the males that show. So far I can’t tell what they are yet but I imagine the change in light cycle from 24 to 16.5 ish hours of daylight will get them showing pretty quick.


I cannot wait to get you a cut of that HAOG after I find a worthy one. I haven’t blazed the OTS but if it’s even 1/4 of HAOG there truly hasonly ever been one other to come close for me as far as pain gone and high AF for 3-4 hours just loving every second of it. That’s why I searched for the last 5-6 years for both and ironically managed to land both this year! Just you wait you are gonna be in that stupor permanently if I have anything to do with it @crownpoodle :wink:


@TopShelfTrees1 did you grab some Schwaggy HAOG too? If so that is super cool :wink:
I have 2 packs to hunt so we should compare notes down the line if one of finds something a cut above the rest.
Personally I think the OTS has a bit of an edge over the haog cut but that’s just me saying that because those seeds are my children hahaha.


Blackberry funk on one, the non foxtail one smells like blackberry pie/cobbler it’s unreal! I had my arm in there pulling dead fans and I brushed her real good it was like opening a jar of blackberry preserves at first no joke like smack you in the face BlackBerry fresh goodness. I thought it left but I guess it just dissipates at a certain point but now in the final stages it’s straight lip smacking BlackBerry :drooling_face:


Yezzir I did, and a solid individual sent me th bx3 as well. Definitely will compare notes as I’m going heavy for a keeper as I honestly think it’s one cut I may never see again. So let’s find her, or better! Schwaggy himself says it’s actually easily found in there and there’s much better structure wise etc. and cut down on that 4-5x stretch Armstrong insanity


We’ll have to throw down around the same time. Keep me posted when you have an idea when you plan to? I have a few priority preservations and a tester and clone run to throw down but after that I’m golden.


yup will do.
I can’t pop them till the greenhouse harvest comes down in september and then I go hunting for 2 or 3 weeks and then it’s back inside to the grow rooms :wink: