Johnny Potseed's Hall of Genetics

all the babies made it safe and sound.


Nice choices


Any beans left Johnny I didn’t get paid till today.


I wanted some of Johnny’s work. I also wanted some of B.O.G lineage. The rest is a bonus


How’s the cafe racer and godfather plants going ? :grinning:

Both growing nice, Nothing reversed & pollinated yet. You’re on list to notify though, lol


Cheers matey . Hope your having a nice spring over there

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lol @‘nice spring’… It’s been a very busy tornado season so far! But thankfully, we personally haven’t had any damage (yet!) I feel sorry for a lot of folks getting wiped out all around us though!
Whole towns looking like war zones! Deaths and injuries, homes gone, buildings/businesses, etc
Worst season since 1999 they’re saying… so far, it’s just getting started!

Jeez we don’t see that on the news over here.


Yeah, the mid USA has been hit by over 100 tornadoes so far. Lot of em here in Oklahoma…

Jesus christ.stay safe over there guys


@Billybob I stand corrected my friend!! There have been over 224 reported tornadoes since April 21 of this year. In the past 2 weeks alone!


Thats crazy, we’ve had more than usual in Ohio. Couple warnings in my area which is rare. Stay safe and hope you’re doing well @JohnnyPotseed. Excited about my order as well.

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That’s from the gulf all the way to the Canadian/US border. So your’s were in that number.


Actually that (long) one is being packed as we type! lol You’ll get tracking number Monday after it’s mailed, brother.

Beautiful, thank you dude, much love!

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lol Ya made my fingers cramp! I’m taking a smoke break… :man_facepalming: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:

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lol It was one of the ‘bigger’ ones, but I pack in the rotation orders came… big or small I get em all!

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I’m sorry, :rofl:, wasn’t expecting to get that many but circumstances were crazy. Glad it happened honestly and I definitely understand. It can be a chore packing them. Ill take a smoke break with ya!

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All good brother, lol if you hadn’t placed that last few days order, this woulda been outta here by now. but remember I just added it to the other to make S&H a bit easier lol

Edit… but, I DO thank you for doing that! Every little bit helps, and it all adds up!

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