Johnny Potseed's Hall of Genetics

I’ve just been looking up all the constituents of Frankenstein’s ancestry and doing my best to remember all those 90’s strains. There are some things that look common to all the crosses that you can see in the Rhino and Russian from back in the day.


Frankenstein was back crossed with White Russian and Sour Diesel, to enhance those 2 strains effects.


I particularly like the stout stems and the way they grow. Pea shooters and snorkels!

Have you ever had a cross where the Pure peeked out? The lePeu maybe?

I may be talking out of my hat, I have some lePeu but it may not be Frankenstein related.

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Lovely bud sir!


The Pepe Le Bleu was a cross of S#1 x BC
Now and then on Frankie, there’ll be a gal with the skunk smell to it after the cure, but that’s about as far as it goes.
Nope, the Pepe isn’t related to Frankie cuz

edit… @GREANDAL I’d say you have a much better chance of ‘skunky’ with Pepe as opposed to Frankie

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Yes I thought that likely. Certainly not expecting any just curious. Thank you for indulging my curiosity. I like skunky stuff occasionally but I’m not a seeker. lol I do really enjoy a plant that just wants to grow so hard though.

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For my money though, it’s the Rhino for the win over S#1 lol


How’s those fem Frankie’s doing getting closer by the day ?


The first batch should be ready in a couple of weeks


Just droppin’ a pic or two of JPS’s Franken Bubble. Lovin’ it! I knew that it would likely just be a little squirt because of the timing, but I want to ‘get to know her’ before the next long season. Got a couple more following behind. Thanks @JohnnyPotseed



Awesome looking girl there cuz, many thnx for dropping by with the pics! Grow on!

edit… lol that doesn’t look like a ‘little squirt’!


Haa, haa, haa! She’s only about waist high on me, but I love her none the less! :rofl:

This re; another of the Franken Bubbles:
I wrote to Big Mike yesterday morning about budrot & hypoclorious acid…then went to the nursery to check on things…I’ll copy what I just wrote back to him:

Haa, haa, haa, Well, with only a few days to go in the “Clutz of the Year” competition, I might have just put a lock on it!

That earlier budrot message reminded me to go check on those few remaining seeded plants. Was stoked to find the small FrankenBubble had set a good 50 beautiful seeds and another 20 or so with a week to go! Spent an hour carefully pinching out ripe ones, deposited them in a little 5 ml. plastic Chemistry jobber, pulled out the marker to write the name on the tube, tugged on the stuck pen cap and launched all the seeds up into the air over a 4x8 m. gray granite-gravel nursery pad! :scream:

Just spent another (painful) hour on my hands & knees and managed to find about half of what I had harvested! …But I think I won first place in the competition! :rofl:



Oh nooooo! That’s no fun, I know since I been there, done that. :wink:


Now that’s the shitz…

Haa, haa, haa…been contemplating setting up some mini-sprinklers on the timer in that area, throwing a few shovels of mix on top of the gravel and just watching closely! :rofl: If that FB bud is any indication, it would be worth it! I’m a looooong way from Kansas (or Texas!). :joy:


That’s one way to salvage them. Though you’re gonna have a lot to grow out when they start poppin all over!

Hell yeah cuz! Sounds like a plan to me, lol
Keep an eye on the area and as they come up, just move them to where ya want.

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love the budshots and love your art you should get paid to be a label creator lol


Cheap? Ohhhh no good sir i was honored to get my seeds here on the 50/50 split where you supported OverGrow by splitting the profit. I haven’t bought seeds for a dollar each since 1991, I’m very pleased with the strain. Thank you for quality genetics at a fare price and supporting OverGrow. :slightly_smiling_face:


Love the Bog crosses. Nice new selection.