Johnny Potseed's Hall of Genetics

I’m glad both of yas got them beans!


Wow, bringing on even more fems, that’s awesome!


@JohnnyPotseed just wanted to say I got a flip of your Lady in Red and that it is an honor to have that one in my garden I have drooled over that one since I saw it I will definitely have that one in the forever vault.Those were some healthy looking dinosaur eggs I can feel the love and hard work emanating off the pack.Will be getting on that one sometime in the fall to get ready for a winter harvest they seem to be my best grows everytime and I want to use the cooler temps to bring out the bells and whistles in that one.Thank you for the gift that keeps on giving.Live free smoke hard :dash: :facepunch:


Frankenstein’s Bride has always held a special place in my heart cuz! It was the first cross I ever did with Frankenstein. I crossed Frankie with King Tut, to make her. The ‘Lady in Red’ was FB crossed with Dragon Blood Hash Plant. Glad you enjoy her!


Any pics of the fem Frankenstein monkey?

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lol I might be kinda ‘good’ cuz lol but not that good! I just got them beans, none grown out…yet!


Glad y’alls packages showed up @ShiskaberrySavior and @chronix .
Better late than never! :grin::+1:


Unnngghhhh… :drooling_face:

Good grief @BigMike55 @JohnnyPotseed that’s fine weed. Hat’s off to you gentlemen. :tophat:


lol Glad you enjoy it cuz!

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I’d have more to say but I’m ripped. LOL


Well hell cuz lol in a way, that DID say more!


And to think they’ll go another week or two.


Chaching !

Got my Frankie Fems and fem Walkin-steins in the mail today, thanks again @JohnnyPotseed! I’m so glad I took advantage of the Valentine’s Day sale. I got some 1 gallon grow bags for these to gauge how tall they grow. Pretty excited :laughing:


Your gonna need bigger bags!
Just sayin’!


@BigMike55 beat me to it cuz lol…you will definitely need bigger than 1gal!


@BigMike55 well I am trying to run a pretty full tent for the first time, and I have a few indicas/hybrids to grow, so after reading about the Frankie stretch I thought maybe that might even out the top height when I run beside the others in 3 gallon grow bags.

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They’re your seeds, run em how ya wanna cuz. All I’m gonna say is, you’re shortchanging yourself if you don’t use bigger pots.

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I was just saying because I have one in a 2 gal (supposed, more like a gal and a half) and if I don’t do something fairly quick, I know, sure as cat dookie stinks, she will be root bound in about a week. I have a five gal or a seven set aside for her.

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Yeah thanks for the heads up. In grow bags they air prune the roots, but you guys think it will still need more room for roots? I’m not trying to grow a super big plant for just the first one, but I definitely don’t want it to die because of it