Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

I just saw the latest pics you posted of that B&BC @BigMike55 …lol I can’t wait to get em started here. i plan on doing some indoor as well as outdoors

lol I got plenty of time and plenty of room

plus, there’s a LOT of strains I have that I’m planning on reversals to have plenty of seeds for future growing, lol I’m sure the B&BC will be one of them… I wouldn’t think of selling any of your strain seeds though.

btw… are those seeds I got regular or fem? Didn’t even think to ask about that lol

Yeah. I never checked ppm with CS. Ppm meters measure dissolved solids. Cs has tiny tiny silver particles.
Also depends on how high of voltage your charger is. Higher the voltage the less time it would take to finish. I have several old celphone chargers laying around so thats what i used. I set it up with distilled water, plug it in a leave it overnite. If you can swing it, you could several times take it apart and wipe down the silver. The resulting solution looks clear. If you shine a laser light you can see the silver floating around. After a day or two it will get much darker colr. Amerish. Thats it. Easy as falling out of bed.

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read the edit I did to the post above ya

lol nevermind, I went to my seed container and looked lol

not quite, typically the longer you let it go the more large ineffective particles you get, like if your water is going grey in color then its not collodial silver anymore, mind you adding some h202 can fix that, though typically you dont want it to go that route and stop before it does that and EC meter wise 30-40 range is typically where i use to max out at which is effective.


Ok thnx for that @Mr.Sparkle ! I stand corrected! … and glad i didn’t already try! lol

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btw lol when are you going to hand out some more of those Trizzlers?
I gotta keep an eye out for that! I’d love to give them a go here.

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also i found probably the easiest even if i have adjustable voltage regulators and the works was just to use three 9v batteries and some alligator clip leads to two pieces of silver suspended in distilled water.

And already have been on the trizzlers


Ok, that sounds easy enough. I’ve already ordered the premix spray CS but I’m thinking this may be better than the STS I see a few on here use it. So like I said earlier, the CS is the next method i planned on giving a try

I haven’t yet lol but i’m keeping an eye on your thread…to get in on the dice roll lol…unless you possibly could just shoot a few to me?

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Dammit that’s one of the pictures I had in my head when I was searching out info this morning. I remembered seeing it but couldn’t remember what thread/member it belonged to. Thanks for posting the link!

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yeah just send me a dm with an addy and ill throw some in the mail.


According to what Mr.Sparkle just said, coupled with what Bigmike said also…I don’t think it matters much what you use as a power source. But if I read it right, the longer you go with it, the more/bigger silver particles? So, I’d think what Mr.Sparkle uses is good…

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Why, thank you kind sir!! DM incoming!

My GF has made it before and does it differently than I’ve seen anyone mention on here. Phone charger under 500mA, she shoots for 300mA for finer particles. She uses an air stone too though for some reason.

I’ve got the making it part down (well she does, if either of us actually got around to it), just wasn’t sure on the application part.

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That’s one of the things I like about this site lol if you’re not sure about something, I’d bet a dollar to a doughnut, there’s a few on here that DO know… and not some BS info either!


That, my friend, is an old, outdated, statement :joy:!
Now days you would be loosing money if you won!


Damn lol that’s right! Everything is higher now than when that was first used lol

Heard it from my pops and grampa lol and used it often… but now? er forget about it!

I said it without thinking lol I’ve used it all my life so it just came out!

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Me too. It just hit me when you posted… Dang things have changed. I remember 25c movies and 10c candy bars.



lol I remember back in the 50s, I made a buck a week working on grampa’s and my dad’s jobsites at 6 and 7 cleaning up trash. I was the richest kid in the hood! lol I’d pick a girl to take to the Saturday matinee, we’d ride the trolley into town, buy popcorn and a soda for each, then the trolley back home. and still have 50 cent for penny candy all week!