Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

I just popped a Trizzler that seems to want to set some landspeed records already!


Oh I’ve been watching, and yeah CS you can easily make yourself it’s harder on the plants thorough compared to sts though both work


I bought all 7 of the original mother strains for Frankenstein at the same time within a few week period also the Maui same time frame.
It was my plan from the start.

I went online and researched the top 20 world class consistent strains then ordered the 8 out of the top 20. With the intention of blending them into one stand alone strain for the wife and my meds. We wanted something that’d ‘do the job’… and got it!

that was in '98-'99

I WILL say this though lol IF I had known just how much work I was letting myself into…Frankenstein would never exist!!


I have plans for a reversal. All this is good information for me.


Wait you have a sour D from way back then still going? OMG what I would give to experience TRUE sour again. That flavour /smell was intoxicating and I never had a need because my uncle and good friend both grew tons. Fast forward to when I decided I needed her in my stable for breeding purposes and . “I gave it to Steve” oh ok (off to Steve’s) “sorry bro I gave it to my son as I’m getting out” “ok can you take me there”? We arrive to see boxes everywhere and a moving truck. I’m like “hey where’s the sour d? I need to grab a few cuts” “SO SORRY DUDE, wife and I are breaking up so I just shut everything down” “aaaannnddd where is my sour D” “nah it’s all gone man , I just killed everything” I wanted to beat him to a pulp but it was all I could do to just walk away as clearly he had no idea of the three gems he was trusted to hold! So ya, long story sort of short, the SD has been gone since and may never be reacquired. Was a true true gem though, one of my first obsessions of a strain. Wish you were in Canada , truly do

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The Sour D as well as all the other… I let veg for 4-7 years each, taking clones and budding them out. So the Sour Diesel, as well as the White rhino, and Skunk #! are only into like the 3rd or 4th gen of clone, after all these years.


I’ve heard karmas is true sour though. May have to try and find some of those beans one day soon

OMFG I am ridiculously jealous my friend. True true gems right there. If you ever make beans please, please keep me in mind

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I’ll have some seeds IF this reversal works out. I’d be selective pollinating the same strains with each one’s pollen, so as to have pure strain seeds (femmed)

I hit with the reversal spray, one each of
Frankenstein’s Bride
Sour Diesel
Skunk #1
White rhino
King tut
Chocolate Thai
Chem Dawg… this is the other one I couldn’t remember lol


All of my good thoughts and karma are with you on this journey, truly hoping for the best!


Oh I planned on shooting seeds out into the OGniverse if there is a decent amount.

also, even if there isn’t very many. I can still make more!

2 of the 7 died, but the ones left are in that group, including Frankenstein, Sour D, WR, S#1 and King Tut don’t remember right off hand if it was Chocolate Thai or which that died along with Frankenstein’s Bride.

I’m not thinking straight this morning lol there was also Chem Dawg in there. for a total of 8 plants sprayed with eXe


The sour d, rhino and skunk would all be welcomed into my garden with open arms. Choc Thai as well, the Frankenstein I’m unfamiliar with. :pray:t2: The absolute best of luck on this adventure @JohnnyPotseed :pray:t2:


You sir are the man! Amazing


thnx for the kind words cuz

After crossing and testing, also trading a few on here. i have some interesting crosses that I plan on giving out here soon. One in particular I call DawgBiscuits is nice. That’s a cross of ChemDawg and GSC

Also there is the cross of King tut and PPP… i call that one TyrannabisRex

I give or trade, I don’t sell the seeds. Other than to commercial establishments, those gotta pay! lol

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I saw that on your thread cuz. like it lol

It was a tossup for me… make own ( like you did) or just order some. I elected the latter, I’m not going to bother with the time needed . lol
I got the same stuff @blkmetal and irishrocker use

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Istarted thinking about how much CS you have to spray to drench the plant to runoff. I did not think one jar of the store bought would be enuff. I could see dollar signs flying out the window.
This kit will last a loooong time and except for the silver wire it was basically free.


If the CS does work, I’ll probably be making my own since i have so many strains I want to do it to


I figured you may have a little extra silver laying around somewhere Johnny.

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How many PPM do you generate to?

I have plenty of silver laying around lol
I’m not sure but, I see on here the longer you let it go, the stronger it gets? I’m thinking 240-250

But for 6bucks and change I just went the lazy route and ordered it this time lol

Try it on one plant, if I like it then make plenty for all the plants I want to preserve/make fem seeds from