Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Mind your manners whippersnapper!!!


Kids now days! No respect!! No work ethics!!! GIT OFF MY LAWN @Slick1 !!!


I was lucky in my youth lol the family had 4 biz … 2 legit and 2 black market lol the moonshine all year, the marijuana in the ‘green’ months and the construction and jewelry/silversmith in the winter mostly. always had plenty of work to be done so no time to get into trouble…much!

I DID still manage to get my ass in a jam now and then lol but not too bad…
,mostly for fighting in school or out of

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Dad had all that figured out. Keep your boys worn out and they’re less likely to run into trouble.
Dad didn’t know, I just took my time and walked into trouble. Too many times.

But lawns are my work! :laughing:


Oh and I made $3 for mowing a large lawn. Hahaha!


Damn moneybags don’t go flaunting all that cash in front of the rest of us!

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WOW! lol I made .50 a yard but that was in the 50s


Very early 70s for me.


And 90s for me. We have like a generational legacy of lawn maintenance going here :laughing:

Who will follow me as the 2010s guy?


I moved on to better things after i turned like 10 lol

gramps paid me well to help harvest, and also I was into the silversmithing too by 11-12
For some unknown reason they just wouldn’t ever let me help with the moonshine!
Damn it!

But lol I DID manage to sneak some now n then lol :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:


I had that one figured out brother. :nerd_face:
Remember my family shares that legacy. Lol

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I say that because I cooked up some for just a few hours and after spraying the plant every day for a few weeks I got nothing. I let another batch cook overnite and tried it for two weeks. Started getting the boy parts. Therefore, my conclusion is that if you cook it longer it gets stronger. I am only saying what has worked for me. I am no expert, but if something works and I see it works, then to me that’s good enuff. I will shut up now.


Yeah well unfortunately my old man cut grass instead of growing it lol

I was 5 or so with a handheld blower getting blown around driveways holding the thing with both hands for dear life. I was 12 or 13 when he put me behind a commercial walk behind and told me to figure it out.

It was actually pretty sweet before then though cause I was the only kid I knew who had never had to mow their lawn. I actually never even started a homeowner mower until I was well into my 20s, after cutting commercially for a decade.


I ended up working for a landscaping co for 17yrs. I loved dang near every bit of it.


It’s great as a young guy. Making more than your friends, stay in shape and get tan, hot girls sunbathing. Great job to be high all day at lol.

I left it for awhile and am now falling back on it on my own because of the flexibility in hours it affords me. If I can make the same amount in tow days a week as I would working for someone else that’s ok too!


Well Johnny, I’ll let you have your thread back. :wink: I keep forgetting I have a journal of my own.
I think I read something about pot and short term memory, I’ll give it time, it’ll come to me. :thinking:


No problem cuz lol I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again lol
Consider this the coffee room, chat away all day lol

I have absolutely no problem with folks dropping in and shooting the shit a bit lol


Holy Sh!t

I have 8d & over 300 posts to catch up with!

Go Johnny Go, Go

Johnny be good!


lol Even in my ‘diminished’ state… there’s a lot going on in all the rooms and outdoors for me. I just have to let my wife and son/his wife take up some of the load.
I currently have the barn with two big rooms and one small room, both of the spare bedrooms in the house, and the outdoors plot. They all need daily attention, rain or shine, sick or not…