Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Actually, lol I just had the wife help me out to the barn where I dropped another 300+ seeds into the WC tray…

I dropped so many because they’re seeds I generated with selective pollination on the Auto Extreme, so being regular seeds not fems, there’s gotta be more to offset the males that’ll certainly show up.

A cross of Auto Extreme females and Sour60 pollen


I’m afraid if I get down bad and can’t do much, I’m pretty much screwed. I have no one around here that knows anything about my grows. I like it that way. But, wife would not know what to do. I guess I can point and grunt.

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Ain’t the wife used to that by now? :rofl:


That’s only my “get me a beer” grunt!

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When I went out to the barn just a bit ago, i managed to grab a couple pics over the fence of the outdoor grow. i wasn’t about to walk all the way around the house on my walker to get better pics! lol Hell, I had to sit down on the seat of the walker just to get the 50 feet to the barn entrance!
So here’s a few pics of the outdoors grow. We’re harvesting some already as they were ready and more are coming along, as you can see.

Somwe are planted in the ground, some in bigger pots and then some are in just the 1gal pots I started them in…those are the BS ‘autos’ that weren’t, from Mark. I could care less what comes off those lol

A lot of the bigger pots were the ones we put out to clear the veg room, now Budroom#2. So they’ll be finished later than the ones planted earlier this year.

But, the main thing is everything is healthy and green…


Hey Johnny. You mentioned those Blak-n-blu Cookies so I’m going to show this on here.
Check out this pic. Morning of day 2 and roots to the bottom.

The little thing is definitely going for it!


The outdoors plot was an afterthought earlier this year. Almost halfway through the summer. lol i didn’t train them for it or anything other than put em into a hole. SO, it’s just personal smoke anyhow, and a decent amount. i also used it to selectively pollinate a few with the PPP dust.

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Did you use the Worm Casting for that?

I ask because that’s what it looks like and also the same kinda results lol

No. I plan to try that but didn’t this time. I just soaked it for a bit. I was going to use paper towels but when I ckecked, the tail was around 1/4" so right into dirt after a two day soak. I did use the advice about using sandpaper. I think that helped it bust out so fast.

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definitely looking good cuz!

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Thanks. Good genetics, I’m thinking though.

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Ok, I’m offline for awhile lol I’ll cyas later

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Have a good evening brother.

Good Morning folks!
had to go around reading some threads to catch up this morning, then to here.
Hope everyone is off to a good start today!
Tag @Hemp sorry you got lost there cuz!


Awww damn, @JohnnyPotseed is up. Guess I should go to bed finally. Losing track of if its early or if its late is usually a good sign for that too.

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been up an hour n half lol
Just being lazy this morning and going around checking threads

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Im either up at 2:30 am or so to start doing orders for my business before amazon 3 am est cut off or I dont go to sleep til way too late, like today. Though now its time to get the kids up to start getting ready for school so gonna be a daddy doze day. Nothing against those. Ohhh, but transplant day for my BOG sour blutooth, way too much to do.

Long way to say I have very unhealthy sleeping habits and it wont be long before my cry for help. Look out for it. :rofl: . . . Is this it? Who knows!!! Thats part of the fun.

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I have several of the BOG Sour Blue Tooth running in the budding cycle. I’m curious to see what all the hype is about. lol
I think around 5-6


For me it was the only BOG available when I was looking a couple months back. Hadnt gotten back into OG to bum seeds off of yall yet. I ran Sour Bubble back in 2003 when last I grew and wanted to do BOG as my first back. SBT made after my time so we’ll find out together.

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Good morning everyone!
We are going to have some Fall weather today, so no melting into a puddle while working! I love this time of year. :slight_smile: