Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

only in the 60s atm here lol I’m loving the break!

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I start rebuilding moms deck today. Yay! I have a good week of decent temps. I can’t waste that gift.

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over 70 days with nothing more than scattered short showers here n there. Amounting to around 1/4 to 1/2 inch total! I’m watering twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, just to keep my girls green!

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this is one of the very few breaks we’ve had from 90 degree temps for a couple months now lol

And the temps are going back up into the 90s by the end of week lol

It’s been raining here since 1:00 ±. It is just now letting up. We got enough rain that most of the neighbors got a good second cutting this year and some ended up with a small third cutting. Hay will be affordable this Winter. We are set but that helps out a lot of folks.
Yeah, enjoy it while we can. Summer can still slap you in the back of the head.

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Good morning John boy !!
Hope all is well it seems the rooster crowed early this am …

Here I sit getting the will power to go sheet rock this house :grinning:


43 degrees this am …salmon weather

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good luck with the shitrocking cuz. i been there, done that on too many sites to not know it’s a pure pain!

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I am good with rebuilding a deck today. I don’t envy you Rabeats2093.

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Nine year commercial carpentry

28 years old almost had enough !! I SAID ALMOST

I know I have a long ways to go. Boss man just pulled in have a great morning fellas !


At least it’s new construction! lol remodel is bad…


Yeah. I get that Johnny. Still, as long as it’s new lumber, I hate having to use “repurposed” lumber! People started wanting (and paying extra!) for old barn wood and even pallets! I hate working with that kind of crap.
Having said that, my home was constructed from a hundred + year old church that we took down when they built a new one and band sawed lumber from off of our land. It isn’t coming down any time soon. 4 sure


Hey there cuz @Guitarzan How’d that wiring job go for you?


g’morning gentleman! Seems you all got half a days work done while I slept in. LOL

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@Slick1 , you forgot:

“That’s what she said!”

My Dad owned a countertop manufacturing company specializing in American Diners. He did most of the old “Lick’s Homeburgers” in and around T.Dot. My mother… well, she was a teacher, an administrator and a Principal of elementary schools… and our home.

Getting in any trouble was like WW4 meets apartheid due to her; so I instead mastered not getting caught.

:laughing: , I got Mark’s 60day “auto” blueberries and not sure when I’m gonna run them as I had planned to do so with another auto run but I ain’t changing my lights from 18/6 (or 20/4) for 1 strain out of a fuck load.

Same here . It’s set to be a rainy and humid couple of days so I’m always fingers crossed my PM preventative measures are gonna cont. working until I can re-apply after everything dries out again in a few days.

Nice build!

My buddies Father was his Church’s caretaker. There was a damaged pew needing disposal so he dismantled it and put it all back together as a “Holy Entertainment Stand”. That was 16 years ago and he’s still using it.


The lumber can be the best in the world all depends on the framers :crazy_face:


Good to see you @JohnnyPotseed i lost your page.


That is absolutely true. But you have to look for stuff put together far enough back to find much quality workmanship.
Dad always said there are really only two ways to do a job, the right way and the wrong way.
Using sub par material is the latter. Not knowing what you’re about, wrong way, cutting corners due to laziness or stinginess, wrong as well.
The church had 26’ beams that were arrow straight.
They did it right. Had it not been so, I’d have never bid on the job. They did some outstanding work.

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I was going crazy. My mind. Lol was missing everyone


You got that right !! I see sooo many old barns still standing

Guy I know takes em down and rebuilds them for people all over the state