Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

There’s boatloads of cash in that right now.


Good Morning everyone!
Slow night last night, it seems lol Only took 30 minutes of reading to catch up on some threads.


Good morning from work , in Hope’s you have a Fantastic day


Hey man. It went just fine. I’d wired up those tankless hot water systems before. I just wasn’t sure if those breakers would handle it, but it works great!! Thanks for the assist.

I think I gave you some (DTHF x C99) x Durban seeds when I was up there last. I’d give those a whirl at some point. Here are a few crappy pictures, but they don’t do those plants’ justice. I dropped the seeds in June, and put them out July 17th. I’m gonna chop them Friday or Saturday. Give them a few nights of cool weather.

Here are some bud shots:

This one was hit with Devil’s Tit pollen. You can see the seeds on her. :heart_eyes:

Anyway, those seeds should produce some good plants. All of those plants are 5’ tall except one that’s about 4’. :slight_smile:

Have a good one buddy. :vulcan_salute:


Morning. Yeah

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Morning? What thread you on? On @JohnnyPotseed’s thread? At this hour? It’s already early evening!


How is your job coming along? Very true he’s eating lunch right now while we were eating breakfast. Good to see you my friend I enjoy a lot of your stuff. @SOLGarion. He’s doing caught that rooster he’s telling a rooster it’ll be OK he has a chance to run tomorrow

Naw cuz… I cooked that ol bird up and ate him. wasn’t doin his job


man you have been busy I’ve been working way too much between work and the children it doesn’t li eave much time for sleep even let alone gardening and my grow is suffering poor plants You are kicking it in the ass every day as usual seriously if I need a little inspiration all I need to do is open OG and head to your house for a few



G’morning peeps! (or good evening to Johnny and the other early risers). LOL…


Some of that old timber is amazing material. Most of it has already been scrounged but it’s still out there. I’ve built furniture and guitars etc. from that old growth pine and fir. Wood so hard it would never take a nail, machines like aluminum. Wears plane irons out. :joy: oh but the smell. Hate to change my shirt after it’s so good.


Good morning (!) Johnny! Catching up with your thread is always a :owl:. Hope you’re doing alright.

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Hey @JohnnyPotseed im tagging a friend. I’m not wanting him to ask you a bunch of questions but I think if he comes here and sees what you got going on that maybe he can jump around to our friends for help. I hope you don’t mind me doing this. I do trust your judgment. Number 4. @Terpsnpurps . I respect this man a lot he has a Lotta good stuff. Way more knowledge than I have

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I never have a problem with anyone coming over to here to look around and question about things. I only have problems if anyone comes here trying to be a troll any time lol


Not all trolls are bad brother, just saying :crazy_face:


:crazy_face: :rofl: :+1: Yeah good point, only if they’re your kinda troll though DD :wink:


Ohhh yea lotus best fence post going !

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I’m not a Troll, but I have the hair for it!


Nice hair. O YEA!!!image

Good Morning OG!