Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Hey man. Morning cuz!!!

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Morning Johnny, hope you’re well bud


g’morning cuz!

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Morning everyone! @JohnnyPotseed, this is a busy thread!! Nice!! :sunglasses: :thinking: :hugs: :pray:

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I just got back in from the barn… Glad to see folks getting up and busy lol
I’m now getting ready to head to the PT in a bit, then back for more fun in the


Don’t be giving the PT a hassle! My pops did and I just about wanted to smack him. Remember, there’s a reason you are going to PT. The 3 times I needed PT (broken stuff) I have to say they helped me regain 100% of motion (broken wrist, broken shoulder and hyper-extended knee).


Naw cuz… I just do my best to do as they ask and instruct me. We get along just fine, and if I have to cut it short, they willingly help me out to my car/waiting wife. This will be 2 weeks now of a 4-? twice-weekly program.

I’ve only had to cut one session short, so far.


Good morning Johnny , in Hope’s pt isn’t too hard on you & enjoy the day !


Hey Johnny remember when we were kids and we will go fishing another story may sound stupid at first but we use Styrofoam. As I remember it helped with the airflow in the minnow bucket. Correct me if I’m wrong I can’t remember what the deal was about that.

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Absolutely no idea lol I always used a small cast net, toss it out n grab whatever the big fish are eating locally. That was the way I was taught, and it always worked wonders for hooking the biguns.
Never once have I bought minnows to use!


The reason I said something I seen another guy that was starting his seeds in the Styrofoam. Yes living on the coast I did the same. I did OK with the cast net. I remember them days

I would go fishing all the way up to Virginia Beach. I would never fish father south Of savanna. Because of Brunswick. I would never do anything around Georgetown. But I loved oysters from North of there all the way to Wilmington. And I love creek shrimp. It seems like I remember my grandfather told me that if you were going to keep minnows they did better in Styrofoam if you didn’t have it air. Or You know the minnow trap bucket anyway good talking to you. I did a bunch of gulf fishing on Those rock piers whatever you wanna call them. Jeddies I know the spelling is wrong.

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I remember Waccamaw lake. I loved going there at one time this was years ago. 30+. I remember you could walk all the way across that lake and never be over your head but in a few spots. The water was so clear. There was a few old fish houses there I can’t remember the names of them. Anyway you have a good one

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Good morning @JohnnyPotseed! You got the day in before I every got up :rooster: :rooster:

:green_heart: :seedling:

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And a good day to you also, @G-paS ! Always a pleasure to see you pop by!

This is the way. Unless you’re on a wildlife refuge. They don’t take kindly to that I discovered. It’s alright to fish but I guess some folks are a little too destructive. lol

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I don’t recall ever fishing in a wildlife refuge… :thinking:
But, i can understand why they might not care for it in that place! lol

Also, @GREANDAL I don’t like destructive folks either! Even outside a refuge or preserve!

When my boys were young, we’d go to the beaches after a hurricane or big storm and collect shells to make some of our jewelry with. Man, there’d be as much trash as there were shells! If not more at some beaches.

So we’d form a line of the boys and the wife and me then start collecting the trash and tossing it in the garbage cans along the shore walks. Spend half the day there and it barely looked touched some times!


Yeah I was taught to pass with as little trace as possible and I do. The cluelessness and selfishness of the great unwashed is terribly evident in those easy to get to places.

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From what I see of the crap people leave lying all around… I’d hate to see their yard! Or worse, live next door!!


Indeed! On one hand it grinds my gears, on the other it gives me a sad feeling for them. If they were really connected to nature it would bother them too and that’s a shame. Nature is good for the soul.