Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

JUst came in from the barn for a minute, figured I’d post some pics today since it’s been a bit lol Here’s the AG, looking nice and filling out

I’m on the way back out and will grab more pics of other things going on, post when i come back in…


Hey Boss.
Are you planning on any training on the AG or are you going au naturel?
You have an awesome start.


Hey @BigMike55 :v:
I bet it depends on how tall the barn is. :slight_smile:


Wassup Mo?
Trying to get back into the swing of things after a terrible week.
But I’m back.


Glad to see that! I’ve been wondering how you were fairing.


You know me! You guys ain’t getting rid of me that easy. Hawhaw


I have that Blak-n-Blu Cookies above ground now. BTW.
I’ll post a pic of it later today. It is an eager plant man. At day one, I saw roots at the bottom of the solo.


Very nice. Hope you get the purty one like my girl. Wait till tomorrow when I do my update on her. Buds are about to explode, I shit you not.


Yeah @BigMike55 , it would be an awesome thing. I plan on dropping the temp considerably during the first week of flower and again at the latter 20% ± of flower. That’s what I did with my GDP. I read it in a post and figured I’d try. I have no Idea if it made a bit of difference or not but it won’t hurt to try again. :slight_smile:


Thnx @BigMike55 also ,yep… there’ll be some training involved… Topping, LST, and maybe even some Lolli-popping. We’ll see as we go on just how much lol


I was considering letting at least one of the AG go full natural to get the beauty. The ceiling I put in the barn when we built it out is 8’.


Now, on to some updates lol
I dropped a few hundred of the seeds from the cross of Sour60 x Auto Extreme. I didn’t bother to place in orderly rows per my usual, since there was only the one strain lol I also didn’t put a pic up when i dropped them a couple days ago, since you folks have been under a constant barrage of the castings tray with seeds in it even since i started this thread!! Put about 50 into the cups today and still a lot to go.

This next pic is of a lot of @Mr.Sparkle seeds, first batch id the Ghost Rose Cookie Devil, and the poisoned Rose Cookie Devil

Then is the PRCD x Dark Spark, Dark spark, and Cookie Devil

next up is the LSD from Barney’s Farm, Sebring’s Cherry Brandy, Tropicana Poison,
God’s Afghan

Next is the Auto Maria 2

Grand-daddy Purp Blast

Narcotic Moustache and cookie Killer

Last is the CinderEvil


We’d noticed some constant yellowing on a few here and there, not strain specific, so obviously a problem. We tested the soil mix we’re using, and even after adding the Coot’s Blend and 1sq yard of potting soil from a garden supply, there was a Nitrogen deficiency as well as some others that were lower than we like, So we got some amendments ordered they got here yesterday and we did the deed today lol. top dressed all the pots as you can see, and blended into the potting mix not used yet, for future babies…

Bone/feather meal, powdered kelp, powdered fish, more castings, mycorrhizae, etc lol

I HAD been calling on/using the compost bin hard! So, no surprise it had gotten a bit depleted in some nutrients! lol


Jesus Johnny, you put that barn on AirBnB at all? I’d rent it out for a day just to hang out with all those pretty plants haha


Yeah… i tried that but the buds suffered from the renters constantly rubbing/smelling em :rofl: :rofl:


Love it. Gotta put up a sign or something “one bud squeeze per person per day”

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I’d prefer NONE lol


For some damn reason, lol any visitor almost always reaches for the top cola!! Sometimes I’m able to yell ‘WAIT’ sometimes I’m too late lol I tell em to rub a lesser bud if they wanna lol

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You need a JohnnyPotseed version of this:



Ohyeah @Nagel420 my man…DM incoming cuz

Yea that’d bug me too having folks grubbing my head stash nugs. Hey though getting back to your organic amendments, do you blend those at any specific ratio? Or just follow the packaging? Or you just kinda winging it? I’m using some of these pre mixed dry organic regimens and I have this feeling that I could save some cash if I just buy individual amendments and blend them up myself, haven’t been able to dig out a ton of info on the ratios though

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