Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

That’s always the better route to take IMO, that way you can put what YOU want/need in there…not what THEY think you need. I do a bit of it all lol I follow the instructions, to a point, on things I’m not super familiar with, and then measure often with what i know can be bad if too much is added. But stuff like the worm castings and powdered fish& kelp/seaweed, and perlite, i just add what ‘feels’ right.

@LegsMahoney , I should add also that to buy the individual amendments you specifically need/want, is to actually spend MORE, not LESS. That said, it IS the better way to go…

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Buying the ‘ready mix’ is well and good…IF you’re starting with fresh everything! But to amend, you don’t need ‘everything’ as a general rule

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A few more pics lol
Here the males are that I milk for the pollen. I just put em in the window and on the sill for natural light…saves money on electric lol At the moment, there is 1 Romulan, 1 BOG Sour Blue tooth, 4 Narcotic Moustache, 1Cookie Killer that I’m collecting pollen from.
The 6 survivors of the eXe spray are currently in ‘lights out’ mode so I’ll have to wait a few hours yet to grab a pic of them girls trying to become boys lol

Here’s a few on the back porch, 1 each of Auto Maria 2, GDPB, Narcotic Moustache, Cookie Killer I hit with Sour60 pollen.

Then there is the 3 Romulan girls I have hit with Romulan powder courtesy of @lunchpale

That last pic was where I rubbed the pollen left on the paper, after all the buds had been hit good with a tiny brush dipped into the pollen. lol


I think all these pics today should satisfy the ‘update urge’ for awhile lol :crazy_face: :+1:
As y’all can see … i got plants every damn where! lol Out back of the house, in the garden plot area, on the back porch, in the barn, in both spare bedrooms…Hell if the wife wouldn’t half kill me, I’d have em in the living room too!! :rofl: :rofl:

lol oh and can’t forget the ‘volunteers’ in the compost bin! But those i just plow back under since I don’t want a ‘mystery’ plant involved…

er, I guess i should change that from the ‘I’ used to the wife and son! ‘I’ don’t do a whole lot any more other than stuporvise, well I do some of the potting seedlings into the cups,
trimming and pollenating stuff like that lol


Ah crap lol I forgot one last pic…

Also, I can’t get a pic of the 6 sacrificial Photoperiod strains for the eXe spray until the room is opened. but I’ll get em up here in a few lol


SO, now you good people see just how many projects I’ve got going on here lol Also why I now call this the ‘3 ring Circus’…

and more projects in the works, as soon as the beans from Sebring, and a couple others get here…
Sex reversals, crosses, pollinations, preservation/seed runs…oh my!
Sooooo much more to come! :grinning: :wink: :crazy_face: :+1:


Do y’all think I’m ‘busy’ enough yet? :grinning: :wink: :crazy_face: :+1:

Naw lol I think NOT!

And just wait…when I’m in better health and shape, things are really gonna start rocking n rolling here!

At the moment, I can only do a bit then sit/rest for a bit, do a bit then sit/rest a bit, etc etc ad nauseum
Soooo damn sick and tired of being sick and tired, not able to do what I love to the max!


Nice pictures. I the one with the flag. I like the best. Peace

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yeah cuz, the lanyard/pulley at the top of my flagpole is broken and not high on the ‘to do list’ lol So I hung it in the window.

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That romulian would be a nice addition to the vault . Your one busy guy no two doubts about it.

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Thnx @ShiskaberrySavior I agree, them Romulans are one of my ‘unicorns’ lol captured and now off the ‘bucket list’…
However, i gotta disagree with you on the ‘one busy guy’ cuz
I do more sitting than anything else! I’m only good for a bit, depending on what I’m doing. If already sitting, like in trimming/harvesting… i can have the wife or someone preset my work area with plenty of plants, so I can do a few hours even at times. But if I have to be in a standing, walking or bending over positions, I’m not much good after 30-45 minutes at max… lol Then the sitting down comes into the picture, and not always guaranteed I can even get back up! I need help even there sometimes. That walker of mine has been catching some serious time in use! lol It has a built in seat… so all rooms are open spaced for it and me

edit… Another on my ‘bucket list’ is in my mitts also now, lol the Acapulco Gold!! One I thought was gone for good. :wink: :grinning: :+1:


Holy crap! I was gonna ask what those little spots on your leaves were. Then a sigh of relief when you said you had been running pollen. Harhar.

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There probably are bugs on them too cuz lol they ARE outdoors you know. The son sprays them.

But, I ask him to NOT spray the ones I’ve hit with pollen! lol


Bad time of the year for outside bugs, too.
Man, I have it your still down. All I can do for you is give you a big thumbs up for what you ARE able to do. And hope it gets better. Any time frame from the doctor?


the doc says the vertigo is here to stay the rest of my life. He’s amazed it hadn’t reared it’s head before now! He said the amount of scar tissue inside my skull is complex and overlapped, ‘amazing’ is the words he used…it presses against the inner ear some places and that throws off the crystals and cilia there. The rest of my problems I’ve dealt with for so many years they’re not really much of an issue. i can handle them lol somewhat
We’re just trying to find that ‘sweet spot’ where the meds keep it at bay while not interfering in my lifestyle.


@JohnnyPotseed is there a scientific reason why you have kept mothers so long? Do you believe that taking clone from clone from clone too many times will hurt the gene pool?

Fascinated by that subject among other things in this awesome thread. Thanks for doing what you do. Truly inspirational. So excited to watch the AG story unfold right before our eyes.


@Phil_Bombs thnx for the interest and the questions cuz…
I operate mostly on clones. I know the mothers I have are the exact phenomes I want and bred for. For one reason. For another reason, to use seeds is to stand the risk of aberrant genetics popping up, even after ‘smoothing’ out the genetics at the first time of breeding Frankenstein.
I take clones constantly to grow out for sale to the dispos… I’m a state licensed grower.
Every few years, I’ll bud the older mothers on out and replace them with the best clones displaying the best traits i like and want in her.
The Mothers I have of her are only the 3rd-4th generation since i let my mothers go anywhere from 4-7 yrs before ‘retiring’ them.
As to taking a clone of a clone of a clone etc There are documented grows of very trusted and well known growers, which have done this practice for over 20 gens with no detrimental effects actually, to repeat one that comes to mind (Oldtimer1 an original OGer with a lot of respect)

He also said (and I agree!) that with the more advanced tech and equipment of the modern day Marijuana growing industry, the plants are actually even BETTER!


Beautiful updates :heart_eyes: loving all those plants. Amazing work from you, your wife, and son.

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Thnx cuz… the kind words from you are always appreciated!

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Ok good people, I’m offline to be with the wife! Have a good day/night everyone!!