Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Have a good night Johnny!

Thanks for the update that you obviously put some effort into !!

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Night see ya in the moning.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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I’d like to see that bro. :smile:
I have joked about just laying a full sativa over at 90 degrees and run it along the floor with a daisy chain of lights from dirt to tops. that would be a blast but I don’t know if it would be cost efficient power wise.


Ok … I’m up and online. lol No more sleep for me tonight!
Pain won’t allow it, so I’ll just shoot the shit with whoever is up and about.


Probably not as far as cost is concerned… but man! Whatta sight it’d be! lol And hell, who knows… it might just pay off too! i reckon there’s only one way to find out huh? lol
hmmmmm… starts thinking out the logistics to self… :crazy_face: :joy: :wink: :+1:

edit… Naw I got room, lol but not that much as would be taken up on this. But you might give it a go and see. Keep me posted if you do cuz

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Well after going out to the barn to putter around awhile, i’m back in and grabbed a few pics of the girls I hit with the eXe. It looks like 5 out of 6 on the survivors did take to producing pods. Now it remains to be seen if the have any pollen in them! When they start opening we’ll know. The poor things look beat to hell though, and still burnt up & dying. But just give up some pollen before they go, is all I’m hoping for! :wink: :grinning: :crazy_face: :+1:

![IMG_1712|366x500](uplo ad://13SJ8XOKSVoFdOgd03xUZbkgwbF.jpeg)

Sorry for the poor quality of some but hands a bit shaky.
sorry didn’t realize I had posted that same pic twice lol

The only one not showing any pods trying to come is the Skunk#1, all the others have a lot coming, I sure as hell hope they have the magic dust in them!!


Morning Johnny. Girls are lookin good bud, hope that pain mellows out for you at some point today, probably have to burn a couple more Js to chase it off. My back is always fucked in the mornings, takes some stretching and some bong rips to get it right


My back isn’t any more a problem than it’s been for 20 yrs now. But this damn vertigo is unreal! It displays 2 types of activity on me,
The first I call the ‘merry-go-round’ That one I see and feel like everything is spinning, sometimes so fast I have to hold onto my chair or whatever to keep from being thrown off or falling off.
the second is what I call the ‘slot-machine’ this is the worse of the two and I’m glad as hell it doesn’t happen anywhere near as much as the first. The ‘slot-machine’ I see everything going vertically in super fast mode. Impossible to focus, or move.
Both can bring sweating, and even nausea but sometimes the sweating is extreme as well as the nausea.
Hell no! to any bong rips or such during those! It just makes it worse!

There’s no rhyme or reason to them lol they can come at any time (and do) and can be mild to severe.


Jesus man that sounds rough, sorry you’re going through all that. You think there are any cultivars out there that might help with that stuff? Or you think any smoke would just make it worse?

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Someone should breed something for helping with vertigo, name it “Spin Doctor”


I have a shitload of variety here, nothing I’'ve tried helps… only makes it worse, if anything.
The scar tissue is somehow impacting the Eustacean tube near the 'hammer-and-anvil thing, and other connecting areas to the inner ear. The meds doc put me on help ease it but doesn’t stop it. The colloquial term is ‘punchdrunk’.

You see it often in old fighters who’ve taken a lot of shots to the head. They have it until they die, same thing the doc told me. I’ve got so damn much scar tissue on and around my brain from so many head injuries over the years. It will be with me until I’m done here.


Damn man. Well I hope you’re able to figure out the right cocktail of meds, keep things manageable for yourself

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That’s the game plan cuz lol


We’ll I’m pullin for you over here bud. I think all of OG wants Johnny firing on all cylinders so we can watch you blow that barn out with plants


lol Oh I can do enough to keep things rolling along cuz. Only thing gonna stop me from growing is death itself

lol that’s the one thing that stops everyone! No one gets out alive! :rofl: :wink: :+1:


Let us pray :crazy_face:

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lol that would be nice if they give up some pollen! I’m hoping!

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Positive thoughts… I thought the dark devil didn’t take to the eXe, and now I see little balls… I’m betting its just a timeline thing and that the photos are, well, acting like photos and taking their sweet ass time…

I think my black cream reversal was just perfectly timed (and tried that same timing with the dark devil and had a different effect). But there’s still hope!


If I die when I’m high I’ll be halfway to heaven, or I might have a long way to fall.

Song written by Willy’s Grandson, Micah Nelson.
His Grandpa’s life in a song.

You should hear it. Micah and Willy sang it at the 2021 Farm Aid concert.


HOLY CRAP! lol I just got my new theme song wrote by Willie’s Grandson! :grinning: :heart: :+1:
Love it! lol You read that short post/story about me and Willie back in the late 70s-early 80s, right? I’ve got most of his stuff in my music storage 2TB external HD. lol
Thnx for that tip off cuz!

edit… I’m pretty sure the date was the winter of 79-80. But I was around him, when I wintered in Texas ( south side of Austin) and hung out at his pool hall ran by his mom, lol. Before I knew it was even owned by him lol

edit. I hung out there as it was the closest bar/poolroom to where I was staying that winter. It floored me when he came strolling in like he owned the joint, lol which he DID. I had my camper/schoolbus conversion parked right down the road a block or two.