Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

I can’t find a download of it yet but I’ll find it. Yeah, I thought about you when I heard it. I had to drop it here.

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Well hell, lol the time has come to say adios folks. I’m getting offline to be with my sweetheart! I hope everyone has an OGoutstanding rest of their day or night!
cyas tomorrow


See ya buddy! Have a great night!

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Have a good night Johnny!
Take an extra five in the morning would yah !

Good Morning OG!!
I managed to get a bit more sleep lol I didn’t get outta that bed until 1:30!! (wooohooo) lol


Mornin Johnny, glad to her you got some rest man. Having a kid taught me that even just extra 10 minutes of sleep can change your whole perspective.


Yeah it was more than I usually get anyhow so all good


@lefthandseeds I think you might be extra interested in this preservation/seed run I’m doing on the Acapulco Gold here…
These seeds are from the seed run you did on Bohdi’s AG. I was reading back through my DMs with @corey, who gave them to me on my promise to do this! I saw where he told me they came from you and I noticed in the AG thread you talking about them and doing some trades, etc, I don’t know if anyone has ran the beans from your efforts, but well, here they are cuz! :grinning: :wink: :+1:

@corey , I had to go back and read the conversation you and me had when working this out on your sending them to me lol I was curious as to the origin, if Bodhi or the Barney’s that is actually a hybrid. Glad to find out they were actually the Bodhi!


I’ll be getting out into the outdoor plot today, I wasn’t up to it yesterday lol. But once there, I’ll be dusting select branches of different strains, and tagging them for identification purposes.
I’ll be using some pollen donated by @lunchpale called ‘Romookie’ and to quote Lunchpale… “it’s a 7/8 Romulan ,1/8 blueberry male x Zookies female , the Romookies girls were really nice.” This would be some pollen from the Romookies.
So, this should make for some interesting crosses, I’d think!


Awesome, that’s great. I’m actually just a messenger on this one as well. They came from another member – an old timer who I haven’t seen around these parts for a while. He sent me a baggie of them along with some other seeds and asked if I would help get them spread around.

I haven’t heard from him in a while. Hope you’re reading this and doing well buddy. :v:


lol I understand the ‘share the love’ movement of OG cuz. Just damn glad these seeds found me!
There’s 6 of them left out of I think 8 or 10, and they’re happy and doing their thang, lol.
So you don’t have to search through the thread to see a current pic, here ya go cuz

This was taken day before yesterday, and they’re getting ready to up-pot and start their training very soon!




Ok…NOW I’m in ‘hog heaven’! lol i got some PPP pollen, some Romookie pollen, and some RCB x CK pollen. The RCB x CK is Red Cherry Berry x Compassion Kush.
Soon as the son is clear from doing anything around the rest of the grow op, I’m going to the outdoor grow where there are … oh, around 13-15 strains going. There I’ll be hitting probably at least one of every strain with the different pollens. Labeling the branches of each I hit, of course, lol with the name of whatever pollen I use on that plant.


tag @GREANDAL lol I don’t want to hijack our buddy’s thread there with too much clutter not related…
I’m planning on doing some further crossing and selecting to come up with maybe another multi-blend strain.

Like you said lol … that’s some pedigree there, and with all of them blended, not in pollen form! lol but after seeding and crossing them. Wouldn’t that maybe be something to see!


Thanks I was trying to figure out how to do that. lol


Absolutely! Who knows what you will come across. You have the room to hunt phenos from a big selection.

Did you get any male AG? Might not know yet.

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Nothing showing yet, but no biggie lol even if they’re all girls. I’d just have to sacrifice one to reversal!

GOT to have seeds!!


I’m headed back out y’all. I’ll probably catch you tomorrow cuz. Ha! You got me saying it now lol!
You’ll most likely be spending time with your honey by the time I get back in. So have a great evening. Hit some Frankenstein in my stead.


I forgot to mention that the Romulan was from Federation


Man I am out of touch, when did the Romulans join the federation :crazy_face: