Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Right? Lol

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Don’t shoot the messenger, I haven’t watched treck in almost 30 years


Who knows? The definitive lurkers.

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lol @DougDawson the Romulan came onboard as a visitor from a galaxy far far away lifting a ride on @lunchpale


btw I went out into the garden and hit a LOT of different strains with pollen of all 3 strains! carefully selecting this branch here, that branch there, then dipping the tiny makeup brush in and lightly petting the selected buds on each branch, then labeling and putting baggie over to insure no cross-contamination. going one plant to the next…looking it over and deciding ‘is this one worthy’?

FUN FUN FUN lol :wink: :crazy_face: :+1:


Now WHO was it said I wasn’t ‘busy enough’…
oh wait, that mighta been me!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is turning into a damn 3-ring circus…oh er um nevermind lol It already was/is a damn 3-ring circus!!


Naw you said it in one of the posts in the DM cuz lol


tag @Hemp come over here so we don’t clutter up our buddy’s thread

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hey there cuz lol

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I agree I don’t like tagging too much on somebody’s page

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onto the name discussion lol

I haven’t seen this page

AH but HERE my friend you are welcome to come and chat as much as you want!! I’ve told you that and I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it! we cool?


Yes I have I must be getting old I just woke up from a nap

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Oh yeah I think the world of you I think you’re a good guy and your friends are also

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:rofl: :laughing: :grinning: :rofl: :+1:
one helluva nap cuz lol sounds more like a hangover!

Now how can you NOT remember the 3_RING CIRCUS!


Been a long day.

oh oh acting out or defending himself?

He’s getting close to 1000 over there

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I think a little bit of both Johnny. Only child you know how these past two years have been. Everyone being locked down I try to get him. And we have we’ve had a great past summer and last year together I think that’s what the problem is that daddy not around all the time