Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

oh ok an ‘only’ child? We didn’t have that, our 3 sons are now 36, 35, 34 and they were always around others sorta ya know?
I’m sure it’s rough on a child to be alone unable to play and shit like they need to


Family does take care of family it makes a big difference. I noticed it on the playground other day there was a family that had children the one baby she was wide open and I told the parents I felt like she was I’m not scared of anything. And I said yes she is she just got her older siblings with her it makes a difference


I was the oldest of 6 and was taught from an early age to protect my younger sisters

It was me then every two years a girl until there were 3 of em…then I was 21 before I got my first brother lol then couple years later the last brother total 6
I was like ‘where the hell were ya when i needed ya’!?


Yeah cuz lol I caught hell too let me tell ya!
See, when my pops taught me to be protective, i went for it… and the bad part is, he didn’t realize I took my ‘job’ serious as hell! lol When them girls did something bad around the house when the parents weren’t there. Dad would come in shouting 'WHO DID THIS/THAT"? I’d stand up and roar back at him ‘I DID IT!’ lol he didn’t look any further than me to punish someone then lol


So true lol
Ok I’m off for awhile to get some things done here cuz
I’ll cya later

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Yea. Same here.

I forgot, you’re a nerd too. :slight_smile:


Good morning Johnny! It’s going to be a beaut of a day again today! I’m getting ready to do some bow hunting. Wish me luck. :v: :slight_smile:


Good Morning cuz!

Damn! Good Luck!!!

I used to have a Jennings Devastator pumped to a 350lb pull. Good for anything up to and including bear. lol
That’s the Compound crossbow they used to make, I don’t know about the legality of it here and now. It’s been over 20 years ago lol

edit… Actually closer to 30 yrs ago now lol


I figured you’d be up. I’m having some coffee and then I’ll go set for a bit and let the day come to me. :slight_smile:
My brother gave me a Bear crossbow for my birthday. I can’t hold my re-curve like I used to and they allow it in Missouri now so why not?


lol sounds like we’re related cuz! I had recurves also back in the day.
I taught my sons how to make good bows the old school traditional way. The oldest got good with one he made. Did demonstrations at the Pow Wows.


I would KILL for a good handmade recurve bow. I wanted one since I was a teen and got to use my Uncles bow. Knowing the craftsmanship and hours that went into that bow… Shoot, if it just hung on the wall and I only target practiced every once and a while it still would be the best thing since steak and eggs!


I can’t even imagine a 350 lb pull crossbow! My shop teacher in high school built a crossbow from an old truck leaf spring. That was a hoot! We set up a bunch of bales out on the football field and he shot right through the whole stack! The dang bolt almost made it out to the parking lot!


I had the money to have Jennings In Florida to do it up good.

The Oldest son still has a shitload of the tips, but no more bow or any of those special quarrels

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Yeah lol He’s a ‘lurker’ they come on here and look but don’t register or get involved. I know this because he told me lol we discuss things now n then, i told him to join in but he’s not into it i guess lol

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I’d love to watch your son grow some bro! A two generation grow journal!! Epic!

Well, time to get. :slight_smile: I’ve been watching this nice four pointer for a couple of weeks. He looks like he’s got some good weight on him. Time to start stocking up next years supply.


He does a lot of the work here with me being down ish. So in effect often the pics I post are a collaboration, some of my work and his as well. So actually you ARE seeing his work! lol

As well as his wife helping and my wife also, all 4 in this together!

A true ‘family thing’

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Well, he is picking up the slack for his old man. You did something right. I see kids now days that wouldn’t get off the couch to walk a bottle of water out to the field for their elders.
Sickening really. Anyway, I’ll catch you later Johnny.


Ok, totally new topic for here…
Anyone heard of what’s going on with the newest discovery of Chemicals in Marijuana? Like this one … THCP, approximately 33 times more potent as THC
Read the article here


Morning fellas, already been chopping it up for a while here I see. I’ll have to check that article out once the kid is off to daycare and I have a moments peace, or while I’m “working from home” :sweat_smile: