Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

You have goats?


Three of them :sweat_smile: they r pets …thanks to the woman along with a pretty nice barn and 16 acres ! Plan on getting ducks chickens the list could go on and on if I let it
I posted them on the pet section a while back lol


Any plans for bees?

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You know we have talked about it before we even had this place …honey …new thing is bee therapy idk if you ever heard of it ?

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I kept bees for about 10 years. I’ve heard of it. Actually not that new. Bees are pretty amazing. You should look into getting a couple hives. Don’t do just one.


One of the back roads down here you drive around and you can actually stop and see all the flight patterns of them going to the hives it’s pretty cool !

Bee therapy’s new to me I should say hah

We would have to look more into it before commitment

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I am into raising goats as well!

Poverty ridge is becoming more self sufficient every day.


Uh-huh. Those happen to be dogs you STONER!


Very cool. Goats are pretty fun. I used to have a home dairy. It just got to be too much work with a full time job. The does have to be milked every day, twice a day, or they dry up until next year.


We plan on going into poverty as well just to watch it pay off luckily the previous home owners lived here 25 years and have had a good jump on the orchard .meat chickens is a must I feel !


Those puppies average around 85 lbs now. The largest one is over 110 lbs.
They are crosses (25% Great Pyrenees, 25% Anatolian Shepherd and 50% Polish Tatra Mountain Sheepdog).


Yeah, I think that’s about right. Chickens seem to be the most efficient. I would get dual purpose if you eat eggs. Raise straight run. Eat the cocks (that’s for you @Slick1) and keep the pullets. Then when their spent in two years, stew the hens.

Edit: Not implying that you eat cocks Slick, just figured you could run with the wording. I know you’re not feeling great, so I was just trying to be thoughtful.


I’ll keep this in mind …28 but ready to give up on modern day society for good haha …Like I said people before us had quite the set up chicken over rabbits meat goats meat chickens did their own chick business …


I gotta try to find a picture of my old guard dog Thor. He was well over 100 lbs. Great dog. 50/50 Pyranees/Anatolian

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We use goat cheese and milk as barter (among other things). I also loan some out for folks keeping brush down in places where you can’t run a tractor or they don’t own one.
Rabbits are a great way to go as well. High protein and low in fat and the droppings are some killer fertilizer.


Currently we have seven livestock guardian dogs. We don’t loose babies to coyotes… ever.

The father. 95 lbs.
Some of his boys are bigger but he is top dog on the property (besides me lol)


I don’t imagine that you do!

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I like the pics you post of that big boy cuz lol he’s is one damn fine looking animal! Intelligent look to him and you can tell there’s a personality there.
Or is that the same one you posted before in another thread? The fencing and area look familiar lol


Yeah, that’s the same pic. I was lucky to catch him up by the barn. He likes the fields too much to stick around. He knew I had a couple of his pups and was like “What’s taking you?”


I have chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia with a dose of arthritis, a dab is osteoporosis with a sprinkle of vertigo lol. I :heart: my cannabis, it’s replaced the meds they gave me that didn’t work. I’d be lost without it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: