Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Good Morning OG!


Dang @anonymous4289 lol you’re always up all night cuz?!


yeah, my schedule is all messed up. probably going to sleep at like 6am here depending how tired i am. i just started using a sleep apnea machine for the past couple weeks and i dread going to sleep, i just don’t want to. i get better sleep but i’m just tired all the time after i used the machine for the night. rather than a groggy drained feeling i usually get it’s now just a tired feeling. once i’m done with the machine i don’t like putting it back on to nap longer., just doesn’t work. it caused dry eyes and i have issues with dry sinuses i’m treating seperately so i just can’t go and put the mask back on.


I did also until this past Spring.


damn cuz, sorry to hear that… it’s never good when you can’t get a good rest in. I know the feeling there! lol You’ll be going to bed about the time I usually start to getting bust around here.

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yeah, i sleep and once i’m awake i go back to sleep without the mask, kind of counterproductive. i’d prefer to wake up at 6am but i dont know how to manage changing my schedule that much.

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Good hashish made from a strong Indica works for me. Sleep like a baby for about 6 hours. That’s about all the sleep I can usually manage.


Good morning OG! :relaxed:

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Good morning @JohnnyPotseed & all OGers here.
Cold as balls out here getting this heavy equipment started for the men


Morning circus goers!


Good Morning Mr.Johnny and OGers! Another day and another dollar short!


I generally prefer it that way :laughing: My wordplay is a bit dull right now cause life is serving me some cock at the moment but of course the important thing is to make it clear it’s not by choice or enjoyed!

Ok lets not turn this into a contest… :laughing: Sorry to hear it but glad to hear cannabis helps. They just put me on LDN that I’m hoping will help but it takes like 6 weeks to make any difference.

Good morning morning crew and OG!


No contest, just Confirmation that medical marijuana works for a lot of illnesses. There’s a lot of people out there looking for relief & ways to get off pharmaceuticals drugs.
Sorry you took it in a different way then what it was meant to be.


I’m sorry I sometimes forget my sense of humor doesn’t always come through text. I overuse the hell out of the laughing emoji to point at when I’m kidding (95.2% of my posts) but still tone doesn’t always come through. I was just kidding around because you listed more issues than me, a little bit of levity. There are no winners when it comes to chronic illnesses!

I 100% am glad cannabis helps you too. The pain pill route is miserable and I’m also using weed to avoid it, successfully thankfully!


Your right, there are no winners. :+1: No matter what you have there is always someone out there that has it worse than you. Pharmaceutical pills for pain & mind-altering drugs suck. The marijuana doesn’t have the side effects or addictions like some of the prescription drugs do, at least not for me. I just went through my Mom (94 yrs old) going through withdrawals from crap the doctors had her on for years & then they suddenly stopped it. It’s taken about 9 weeks of care to get her back to normal. Believe it or not she’s even interested in trying weed for her conditions, lol.

Peace Slick1 and I’m sorry if I was being overly sensitive :pensive:. Happy holidays to you :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :slightly_smiling_face:


What the hell is the point of taking her off of them at 94 (unless she wanted off)? Stories like that make it really tough to trust doctors. That’s awesome she’s open to trying weed though.94 is well into the age that had the reefer madness bs drilled into them. Hopefully it helps her.

And all good in the hood! I can see how it could easily be taken that way, like I said tone doesn’t always come across in writing. Happy Holidays to you too!


I thought the same thing. The woman is 94, let her boogie woogie, for crissakes. But nnoooo. Take the woman off shit you have been giving her for years, and throw her to the wolves.
Something’s wrong, here.


I love new baby goats! I can watch them for hours. These are beauties!


I’m only in my 60s Slick1, and had to get past the same kind of raising. I had my med grow permit for a year before I could get myself to accept growing as a reality. I felt like I was letting so many people down by doing something I was told all my life would ruin my life. Even after I had no doubt that it works.
It’s hard to break out of the mold you have been shaped by for some people.
@MaryJane13 , I pray that your mom tries a little bit to see if it is for her too. And that it does help.


@MoBilly, you mean any coiote around he does it!? Kill’em!? Wow! Or they never come 'cause they know he’s there!? Nice!