Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

lol good point!

But, another point to consider
when they made that famous quote, the Ganja was illegal (I think, maybe?) lol

naw, thinking about it, if I remember right… and according to my sons, I was there when Moses went to the mountaintop, I’m so old… it wasn’t even thought about being made illegal! So, back to your first point! lol

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morning yall, hope everyone having a good day, was hiping to solicit some opinions on an issue i think i discovered this morning in the boy’s tent, anyone smarter than me willing to take a look and weigh in i’d really appreciate it:

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I’m not claiming to be smarter cuz, but post the pic and lets see what the problem is, if possible.

That’s too weird for me to advise on but surely someone has seen it before

Click there where it says image lol

Here’s what I got for photos:

Apologies for jacking your show over here Johnny, I just know there are a lot of experienced heads here at the water cooler so it seemed like the best spot to get educated eyes on the situation

thats literally the only one on the plant as of right now, trying to decide is he gets the axe or if i let him go to see if he produces any more


I’d let him go cuz there seems to be a good number there not ready yet, is all.


Was it uphill? Both ways?

Ya know how not everybody is the same as you in the locker room? Well, that boys just got a REALLY big stamen :wink: Wish I could be more helpful other than making ya chuckle. Never saw that before…


naw the uphill, both ways was back when I had to walk to school 5miles lol

oh, don’t forget…in the rain, hail, sleet, snow and hurricanes!! Post delivery folks had nuttin on me! :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :wink: :+1:


And in 5ft of snow, even in summer… I know, I know :wink:

Next thing I know yer gonna say with a Pack of Wolves stalking you every day as well…


damn I had forgot about that, it was such a traumatic experience!! You just had to go and remind me huh? lol


No its walking bare foot.


Now see there, you good people have made feel so much better already this morning!


Well, thats not so bad then! I was barefoot for most of last year! I kinda prefer it TBH…


In the rain, sleet and snow? Bare footed? lol :joy:

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just last year? Hell I was 7 yrs old before my parents bought my first pair of shoes! lol

oh wait, make that 17

hey, if I’m gonna stretch the truth a little, I might as well do it right!


Thanks for chiming in @JohnnyPotseed i think I knew he had to die as soon as I saw it but was hoping that someone would talk me out of it. @Nagel420 i appreciate the laugh buddy, never seen this before myself either, although there’s a lot of stuff I haven’t seen before I’m sure. Gonna sit on it for a while but likely spread out some plastic and dismember the body later tonight.


Did your mom make your clothes to? Did you wear alot of polyester?

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Naw cuz, she didn’t ‘make’ anything for me to wear…I had a cotton sack tied on
If you don’t know what a cotton sack is you never picked cotton!! it’s usually heavy canvas and 9’ long with a shoulder


Its funny. I am sitting here looking at the various objects laying around my workstation…

ESP32 development boards
NEMA Stepper motors
Assorted 3D printer parts including limit switches, belts, pulleys and roller guides for aluminum channel.

All I need is a nice, long piece of 4040 aluminum extrusion, say 8ft?

Wouldn’t be hard to build / program a light mover really. Already have code I would need for it, but honestly there’s no space here for it… But man, a tinkerer’s mind never stops LOL.