Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

What you get stoned and turn in to Macgyver? lmao I do too

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Oh hell lol that’s so true cuz… I’m always thinking of stuff I could DIY to make things easier (?) lol that can questionable at time

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Well. yes… But… I have a few magical machines that make that much easier… The 3D printers are like the build your own tinker toy sets.

I’ve printed a pretty bad-ass 1/10 scale Jeep crawler, including transmission, driveline suspension and proper axles (ie the same as the real thing). Only non printed parts were electronics, tires, screws and shocks. All the gears were printed. Bonus? Ya break something, just reprint it :wink: LOL

But once ya go there, if you have any design skill at all, you’ll be making your own stuff. I bought my first printer to design and print a mount for multiple cameras to do underwater spherical videos. I have 5 versions of those mounts now, and they work awesome, but it opened my eyes to “If ya can design it, its yours”. Stupid stuff like sensor housings for the grow tents, shelves for the tents, LST clips, mason jar tops with humidistats in em, auto-burping tops for mason jars, etc.

And I am not a programmer by any means, but todays development boards like the ESP32 have so many cut n paste code snippets out there, anybody can code really… And if ya do know how to code, bonus!

yeah, not every idea works out in the end. Trust me I know that myself all too well. LOL But for the most part, my ADD mind overanalyzes things to eliminate most pitfalls or decide its not worth the problems it will create… LOL

I mean, if I had the 8’ piece of 4040, I would do it because it wouldn’t cost a penny. But that extrusion would cost me like $50-$80…


Man that’s so awesome cuz! lol I’m just SMH here lol I wouldn’t dream about trying to do anything with them newfangled machines!

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That’s awesome bro! I would love to have a 3D printer.

It took me …like, almost forever to get into a ‘semi-2000s’ frame of mind lol But i ain’t that far into it!!

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They really aren’t difficult to use. And not terribly expensive. $200 gets you a solid machine, and many flash sales bring that machine down to $99 at times (Creality Ender 3 printer). Not huge, but big enough for most little things you can think of. $800 gets you a Prusa which is the same size, but takes a LOT of the tweaking / fiddling out of the equation (more sensors and such). Still I have never bought a Prusa and can print just as nice, it just takes me the time fiddling with my printer to dial it in. But for someone who just wants to print and not tweak, the extra $600 is well spent on a Prusa.

Wish my pops lived to see these things in action. He was an engineer, knew CAD software, and enjoyed his model trains. Just being able to design and print your own buildings, and rival commercially manufactured options, would have blown his mind.

Stupid and simple things are the best though. I needed a little case to house a limit switch and an ESP32 to use as a remote door sensor, 10 mins in Tinkercad, using existing models of a limit switch mount and an ESP32 case, and I mashed together my own “megacase”. lol…

I hate printing trinkets. Stupid baby yodas, baby groots, just not my thing. I love the functional prints these things can do to make your life easy.

Knowing how fast technology invades the home, I absolutely see these things being in every home eventually. Speed is the issue right now, it takes time to print (my longest print taking over 3 straight days). Most are 12hrs or less, some being 15 mins. But there are plumbing companies out there now, who offer their entire catalog in digital model form. Imagine needing that one, really odd piece, and they just print it for ya, you don’t search thru 20 stores for it. And McMaster Carr has digital models of most of its items available. Makes modeling / fitment SO much easier…

It’s a tool… And one you will see more and more of as they become more set and forget, and a LOT less tweaking / fixing things (clogged hotends, overheated steppers, poor bed adhesion)… When you can just send an item to print, and go pick it up off your printer an hour later, and loading filament is as easy as replacing an ink cartridge, they will explode in popularity…


whoa, wait, i could be 3D printing for $200??


Plus filament. but yes… you do have to assemble the printer, and precise assembly is required (theres some great vids out there to walk you thru a better process than the manufacturer instructions are). Tweaking and learning to setup the printer take a little time, but its not hard to get a successful print on day 1. Filament rolls are like $20 / 1kilo roll on avg for me. 1 or 2 rolls will last you a while, I go thru that in a few days easy (but I sell stuff on ebay).


Would you DM me a link to your Ebay store? I would like to see some of your work.

…and wearing my sister’s hand me down pumps that I knocked the heels off.


:rofl: :rofl: oh that’s bad cuz lol

think I’d rather just go barefootin


Yeah! It was just me and Morgan Fairchild, walking hand in hand walking barefoot through the wild flowers! I mean, walking hand in hand all the way to school, uphill both ways…in four foot of snow, yeah, THAT’S THE TICKET!!


She was hot yep lol but I always leaned towards that gal in Weird Science lol Kelly Lebrock I think is her name


This one’s for you brother.


No way he would live through that…….
But the mortician would play hell getting the smile off his face!


:crazy_face: :rofl: :wink: :+1: :pray: so very true cuz…you know me well enough and how I get around

lol not to mention, if that didn’t kill me, the wife would!!


No doubt in my mind bro………


yeah, her posters were a big thing when I was in HS. And yeah, she was hot AF… :smiley:


Hey @JohnnyPotseed I received your package all has arrived safely. Sorry couldn’t send a picture with this thank you message.

I just closed on my 1st :house: so Ive been busy and left them at my new home.
Thanks again for allowing me to be part of your experience. Will upload picture tomorrow when I get back home.