Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Good Morning OG!


I’m glad folks are getting them beans cuz


Mornin Sensi


Hey there cuz, how’s the world for ya this warm(!!) Dec morning?
It’s supposed to be record breaking heat for the day, and I’m lovin it!
Is it the same down there in OKC?

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Just ok. Couldnt sleep so thought i would see what in the (OG) world is going on.


Yeah. My tent dont like it. It got 91 in there yesterday.

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Sleep? What’s that? i don’t know it … :crazy_face:

I do mange to get some rest scattered here n there, but that’s about it for me.
Sorry you in pain, I’m guessing?

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Hey have you gone to take a look-see at my latest pics. That King Tut is magnificent.


Yeah. I had a fall about a year ago and I think i ripped my rotator cuff in my right shoulder. Hurts like a mofo sometimes. Doc gave me cortisone shot. Helped a little.
Whats giving me the best relief is some cannabis salve I made with that and coconut oil. I just rub it until I feel it getting good and hot. 20 minutes later. A new man. I shit you not.


I try not to complain about aches and pains.
I look at my wife. She has a condition called pulmonary arterial hypertension. She has daibetes. She has pins and rods holding her leg to her hip. I look at her and say “ shit, i aint got a dam thing to complain about”
No matter how bad you have it, someone else has it far worse.


So very true cuz!!
That’s why I try not to complain myself…
It could be worse!


I believe that someone realizing that is the first step of true empathy. Too many people never take that step. I used to spend quite a bit of time with the elderly (before Covid).
If folks took their teens and volunteered with them to help where folks really were in need those kids would benefit greatly in the end.

OH and good morning all! :slight_smile:


Good morning Mr.Johnny and OGers!


Good morning!


Good Mornin Mr. Johnny & JP Circus Folks.

Just wanted to add my thanks for the gracious gifts you’ve been doling out. And I mean both the free seed giveaway AND the opportunity to help you and your fam through a time of need.

You’re a Good Man @JohnnyPotseed and I’m happy to know you! :v: :green_heart:


I do thank you cuz, for those kind words!

Same. I have a “patellar tracking disorder” in my left knee and what I can’t imagine isn’t a slipped disc in my lower back, plus the aches and pains that come with doing manual labor since I was 13. I’m constantly in some sort of pain and no one would have any idea. If I mention something it’s bad and if I bitch about something it’s real bad. I’ve heard a couple of times in rural areas that if a farmer comes into the ER he skips the line cause it’s known for the most part they don’t come in if it isn’t serious shit.

Morning folks!


Mr.Johnny, what is the make up of Cherry Festival?

lol I have absolutely no idea without going way back in the files here. I got these seeds through a group buy & seed run from it. So that was a few months ago, cuz. I can look into it and get back to ya, if I don’t forget! lol

You need to bear in mind, for there to be a group buy, the seeds have to be a special strain, either hard to find, legendary, exotic, etc


Your good, I will dig around and find it.