Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

It’s just that I’m bouncing round on here like a flea onna hot brick cuz!!

DM’s hitting me from every direction!

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Morning OG! Hope everyone’s day is going well


Whaddup Legs???

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grinding away @BigMike55 unfortunately discovered some bugs on my plants this morning, so im working to ID and see what the plan of attack will be.

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Sorry to say. Been there. Done it.

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yea, same. im thinking mites but they don’t really look like any ive seen before. im assuming theyre just juvenile, but im trying to get a positive ID to be sure. if theres anyone thats a bug expert that wants to weigh in let me know and ill DM you pics. dont wanna hijack johnnys thread a second time for my piddly problems

Day 38 of flower.
Just opened the tent. The stink is incredible.

Trying to place a common smell with what her stink is like.


Oops. Sorry Boss. Thought I was on MY thread.

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lol no problem cuz love the looks of her!!

and you need to correct that lmao that’s TyrannabisREX!!! thank you kindly! lol

King Tut I didn’t make lol but I DID make the cross resulting in that new hybrid! :rofl: :wink: :+1: :pray:

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Just bustin yer chops cuz lol

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Wait. What?
So this is NOT the King Tut X Chemdawg??

but…the point is that it’s not King Tut but rather a cross I made lol

oh geeeez!!! lol It’s TyrannabisRex …damn I’m f’going crazy here! TR is a cross of KT and PPP

Where did you get ChemDawg as the cross? I’m slowing things down here a bit to clear up this confusion lol

If you go back and check, you’ll see the mention of that cross quite a few times lol

These are the only crosses I’ve made available to anyone using chemdawg cuz
BloodHound-------------------------(ChemDawg x DBHP)
Stoned Pup--------------------------(ChemDawg x PPP)


I havn’t crossed KT and CD, but that’s not a bad sounding idea! lol

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you know me cuz, lol I’m always doing crosses to see what happens!!


Got these a long time ago.
Not 100% sure if this came directly from you or if it was regifted. I was thinking straight from you. Do you recognize the writing?
I usually write on the flip where they came from. The back of this says you.




I am thinking someone else as I am sure he can spell Johnny……


To read threw your thread an see how everyday is a up hill battle.
Just want to say my thoughts are with you and your family, to think how much pain you go threw an give as much as you do for others karma for yrs your way brother