Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Thanks a lot pal. I was the one who wrote that on the back. Haha

“What idiot cant spell Johnny?


yes cuz that’s my bad lol i did write that on the flip. but in my defense i was jumping trying to get em all addressed and packed so that was an error I hope you’ll forgive?!

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Naw that’s my handwriting and the way i pack em, sealed the flip with tape etc. i just screwed up on the cross is all. Sorry, I was in a hurry trying to get them all out…and probably buzzed too at the time! lol


:face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl: :shushing_face:

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hey man lol with all the activity going on around me when I was doing the packing…3 big dogs vying for attention/playing, the son & his family in and out, and the wife wanting to hold a conversation, and smoking/passing joints…need I say more? lol


Let’s just leave at JP f’d up!! Ok? lol That’s what they put erasers on pencil for, everyone makes mistakes! :crazy_face: :+1:


thnx so much cuz, I appreciated those kind words

nah… You were testing him :wink: yeah thats it! it was a secret test to see who was paying attention… :wink:


Yeah, that’s it!! lol
that’s muh story, n I’m sticking to it!
er, which ‘story’ was it?

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Jack n the Beanstalk? BigMike and the Tyrannabis Rex? The secret test? All three of em, keeps people on their toes :wink:


So is this King Tut X ? Or is it ? X Chemdawg.

lol It’s King Tut x PPP cuz. I only have female mothers of TUT, no boys to get pollen from. It was the PPP I got pollen from to hit Tut with

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Damn it lol it’s King Tut x PPP!!! period! lol I’m in several DMs and trying to handle this sale and typed wrong …again! lol

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lol I luv ya @BigMike55 you know that cuz…but I’m just bouncing around here like a flea onna hot brick, or even better like a chicken with it’s head cut off!

got like 4-6 DMs up and running at this moment! lol


Haha. At least I now know I’m still growing the King!

the King Tut I crossed with Frankenstein over 10 yrs ago is called Frankenstein’s Bride


Elvis was spotted???

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I wonder how much 12k seeds weigh :thinking:

looks like i’ll be missing the early morning role call. i managed to get my sleep schedule somewhat fixed.

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Good Morning OG!