Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

post deleted lol

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I was thinking about making that into a ‘guess the weight’ game but it’s too easy lol


Can I still guess LoL…
My bet is that it’ll be around around 3 pounds!!

Don’t worry about the beans brother, Corey sent some free beans on my way. It should keep me occupied for couple of months LoL…
I wanna make sure it reaches me safely before I buy some more …

I wanted to buy that wedding cake* ppp beans from you, but I don’t know whether it’ll reach me or not so i didn’t order any…

I really appreciate what you are doing for the community brother, you and the guys participating in this cause are legends… hope you’ll get back on your feet soon…

Sending some good vibes on your way brother :hugs::hugs::hugs:

That cross is all gone anyhow cuz

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lol as to my ‘getting back on my feet’ that’ll never happen. but i AM hoping the wife gets better!

My disabilities are permanent, her’s can hopefully be fixed


I am really sorry brother, I didn’t know…
I wish you both good luck…

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thnx for the kind words cuz

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Good morning Mr.Johnny and OGers!


Good morning cuz

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Have things calmed down for you Mr.Johnny or are you still running around like chicken with his head cut off?

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only semi lol but it’s :wink: :+1:arly

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Mornin’ Bossco!
Hope you have the world by the short and curlies today.


lol…if only cuz, if only

I’m thinking, and feelin, like it’s the other way around here!

I get it!
But when you’re down that far, the only place to go is up.
I’m sending you some ‘Gomer’ vibes, right now.



been up since 12:45 so i sure could use it!!

Fixin to see if i can lay down for an hour or so lol

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Get there. SHAZAYUMMM!!!

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Good morning good morning y’all


g’morning peoples! Gonna be a fun day of wrangling trees here… making the $$ for christmas… lol


I guess I’ll chip in fuckers !
Top of the morning to you all
@Nagel420 ive seemed to learn it’s just better to cut the tree apart then wrestle it down :crazy_face:

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