Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

I knew you were up to something. Lol

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I hope you have a great time.

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“I believe you’ve had enough…” throws beans on fire :fire:


If he’s got that shine best keep him away anyway. :joy:

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You’re up late Mo. I forgot it’s earlier there. lol

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Goodnight my friends.
Peace be with you all.


Ok folks… just a small update for yas this morning. The seedlings in the worm castings are starting to pop nicely, and I actually put about 8 of the Auto Maria 2 in the cups. The 10 Acapulco Gold on the far left are coming along a bit slower, but they’re ok and starting to pop also.


Now on to the ‘big show’ lol
First a bit of back history for those that’ve came late…
I was one of those growers that avoided Autos like the plague! ‘Not in MY grow, Hell No!’ Was one of my fav sayings lol
After doing a lot of research on them and deciding to go forward with an attempt, I had decisions to make. A lot of grow logs say to just LST, them, others say you can lollipop and fem them also. But most sy nothin more than LST due to the so much shorter life span.
I decided to just let the first batch I dropped go ‘Au Naturel’ and see for myself just how they do on their own, without any messing around on em.
This morning I chopped them. 8 SnowRyder and 2 Pink Panama…

Remember this one? It had a half-bleached appearance from the beginning. I almost tossed it but decided as long as it was healthy, let it go to finish.

I started it with 16 but tossed the males since I wasn’t interested in pollen from them this run.


Yep. I have trouble sleeping so you may find me on here at whatever time. :wink:


Now that I’ve actually grown and see for myself exactly what’s entailed. I’m thinking the Autos are actually a lot easier to grow than the Photoperiods! They can be a bit ‘finicky’ but hell, so can the photos! From this point on ‘I’ll be doing my thing’ so to speak. Dancing in the moonlight with them girls, while I LST, lollipop and fem the way I wanna.


Well 180 post to read lol be here minute :grin:

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I’m curious…but, waiting until the buds are dried and cured before testing. BUT, I want to smoke that ‘white’ bud first!

under magnification, there are trichs…


The final (dry) weight won’t be shown, also the smoke test when cured.
I’m looking forward now, to doing whatever TF I wanna with any future girls. Just to see for myself, ya know? lol
I’m thinking that I maybe thought too much at first. But better to err on the side of prudence (whoever SHE is)


On another note.
Folks, after some discussion on the subject of a shindig here at my place in the upcoming month. @MoBilly and I have decided to not do it at this time. The Covid is still raging, and getting worse … again… with spikes in almost all states, including OK and surrounding states. To put it bluntly, it’s just not safe yet.
The wife and myself aren’t in the best health, and I’m going back and forth to the doc’s office . It just doesn’t seem the smart thing to do atm.
There will be one, but down the road, at a date to be determined. Everyone, including the wife and me, like the idea of a small OG gathering of those that can make it. Just put on hold for the moment.
Sorry for the buildup only to have a letdown, I’m as saddened/disappointed as any, I imagine. But, it has to be done, out of concerns for the safety of any that’d be involved.


I understand. I’m sorry it didn’t happen. We have face time. Lol. Joking. I was hoping it happened. It will. Nothing wrong with being safe. Dreaming never hurts.

Postpone is way better than cancel. Good call tho brother. Don’t need to let the wolf into the henhouse, right? We will get there!


Makes total sense @JohnnyPotseed. I feel kinda sheepish about it, inviting myself over like that.

Here’s another update for yas folks. The Auto Maria 2’s are coming along nicely. Most of them have already gotten good tails after just under 48 hrs from dropping.

Continuing on, I put 8 into cups yesterday. This morning I had another 40-50 at that point but only put bout 41 into the cups. The others can go in this evening after the tails get a bit longer.


And last, but not least lol
Seeds galore, on the 18 girls I isolated to chuck some Sour60 male pollen at. These will be regular Auto crosses, since it wasn’t a reversal contributor. The 4 strains pollinated were, CinderEvil, Sour 60 (both the white phoenos as well as the dark purple phenos), the Auto Xtreme, and XtremeX

Apologies for the out of focus 4th pic, but lol you can still see them beans coming on!


Stop beating your calyxes they are all swelled!