Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)


Don’t you worry about a shindig bud… when the time is right, I know you’ll have a hell of a bonfire… Plus, this way I might have time to plan on attending :wink:

ps. I’m diggin on that dark purple pheno…


We will have this happen when the time is right. The safety of all concerned had to be paramount.
When the time is right we’ll raise the roof (small as it is it should be easy) on the Potseed homestead!
Growning friendships, homegrown music, homemade shine and homegrown bud sounds like a small slice of Heaven on Earth.
Anticipation will only add flavor to the meal.
:pray::v: :cowboy_hat_face:


Post some maps on how to get there from Canada and it will be an international event! :smile: :+1:



Last day in the worm casting, almost all germinated. The 10 AG on the left has a total of 8 popped… the last 2 have speck of white showing on the side where starting to crack.
So I went ahead and put all of em into the cups, since I need the space lol

There are about 70 of the Auto Maria2 fem seeds in the cups.

I’m going to say ‘fair’ success, since there were around 12-13 that didn’t but I isolated them to see if they’d go ahead and finish for me.
I do want to say this though. On seeds that I get from others, since most are given or traded for, not bought, I don’t usually question how old, how stored, etc. They go through a few hands usually, so no telling just how many will germinate. It is what it is, and I’ll gladly take whatever comes! :smile: :sunglasses: :+1: :wink:


Someday I want to grow on this scale.

I have no idea why, but i want to.


Its funny… On one hand, I always want more plants. Not just “more bud” but plants… I enjoy the variety, and watching em go from that tiny seed to a beautiful plant…

On the other hand… Man, I know the work involved in planting up a dozen and a half tails into cups, and that isn’t the fun part to me (well, I’m happy to know I got tails going in, but you know, its tedious work being gentle and not breaking tails)… ADD / ADHD doesn’t help me…

You just go out and do 60 or more at a clip… Color me impressed! I know I am looking at a bunch of cups with dirt and some babies, but I still love it :slight_smile: Because I can’t wait to see them all unleash their potential, and in capable hands like yours, its a guaranteed show :slight_smile:


I don’t just plant seeds lol if you look at the pics you’ll see, under the shelf the cups are on, one of the banks of clones I’ve take also. It’s always been fun for me, and since I’m basically retired with all the time I want… :+1:

But, lol I’ve grown this way for many years, even when I worked.

That said, When I worked, I worked for myself as the business owner…so, I could do most things on a timeframe I sat. Bit easier than an hourly job for someone else.


oh, I know the clones too… I’m talking about the last posts with dozens of tails… Ya don’t have to make us youngsters look bad by pointing out you plant up even more :wink:

And yeah, the clones can be just as nerve-wracking to me to get in soil. Those tiny roots break as easy as new tap roots. Its frustrating to get nice roots going and knock em off accidentally when planting…

Yeah, when this covid shit is under control, and you finally have a shindig, I want enough notice so I can make it happen, Long weekend in OK… Be the first time I visit OK as well!

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Oh nooo…I wasn’t even thinking about trying to make you look bad! I’m just showing and telling, as well as pointed out some other stuff!

It’s just what I’ve always done for many years now and figured yas might like to see!


Just busting chops buddy… I hope my fingers have that dexterity in 20 more years…
And lets not forget, you still aren’t at 100% with that inner ear infection, right?

I mean, crap, I know twenty-somethings who would absolutely be whining about planting half as many!



naw, I’m still messed up. But I’ll get better and back soon I hope!


I keep saying he runs circles around most of us and he brushes it off as an exaggeration! The one day he posted his walker with the seat and said he relies on that like that made it less impressive somehow :laughing:

Accept it @JohnnyPotseed, whether you like it or not you’re a bad motherfucker! :sunglasses:



EXACTLY what I am sayin…

But I gotta believe thats his upbringing is the difference… VERY different today…


Well thank you kindly! I don’t see it but hey I appreciate those words cuz!
An example of just how messed up I still am, yesterday the wife and I went into town. We stopped and visited @Oldjoints for a spell…As I was trying to get back to the car when we left. I was trying to walk forward, but kept goin sideways for 5-6 steps. Like a damn drunken sailor! Finally had to get help from the wife just to walk straight and get to the damn car!


Man… How long is that inner ear infection gonna last? This is a long time… Its a common problem with divers, so I have seen it often. Most get better in two weeks or so… And having had a barotrauma myself, man, people don’t realize just how much the ear has to do with balance, so I feel your pain…

It’s just the balance / vertigo though, no pain / pressure, right?


It’s been two weeks on meds as of tomorrow, the doc said it’s bad and could take a few weeks to straighten out. This isn’t just an infection, It’s from too many traumatic head injuries. The colloquial term for it is ‘punch drunk’. You see it in old boxers/fighters often…
Don’t forget, I’ve had a rough/hard life! lol amongst other things…

edit… no pain


Wow, I did not know that… Dude, you are meant to be here for a reason clearly!!!

My humble thanks for your service my good man… Not enough people being thankful for our men and women in uniform…

I see why its taken longer than I would expect, additional circumstances can certainly complicate the healing process… The biggest thing here though is you’re positive about the outlook, and positivity is a great medicine as well…


The bullet thought about killing him but realized who he was at the last minute and got cold feet :laughing:


post removed sorry folks

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Why are you sorry?