Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

I told the wife we needed to buy some civet cats and feed them raw beans. “We’ll be rich” I said. “You’ll be following them around with a pair of tweezers, not me”


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That’s the EXACT same thing my wife said to me when I once made that suggestion!

Ok, I’ll catch ya later, I’m heading out to the ‘farm-inna-barn’ to do a bit

:green_heart: :green_heart:
That’s hilarious!

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G’ mornin’ my friends. Hope everyone is starting the day on the Good Foot.


What about: " Symphonic Post-Apocalyptic Reindeer-Grinding Christ-Abusing Extreme War Pagan Fennoscandian metal"?

(it’s a movie reference about 4 young men in a rural Finnish town with a metal band that quest to play the main stage at a Norway metal show; fucking brilliant if you know the medium and scandi culture, oddly funny if you don’t :laughing:)

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Yes morning @BigMike55 @MoBilly and @JohnnyPotseed . Peace.

lol nope I don’t have thatun…but there are quite a few I don’t have.

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Almost all of the seedlings are starting to stand up nicely. There was one more in the few I’d sat aside to see if any latecomers appeared. So the grand total is 74 out of 83 on the AutoMaria2, and looking to be 8 out of 10 on the AG (posted pic in other grow-log)

The AutoXtreme & XtremeX in foreground are coming along and doin their thing lol The yellowing leaves on everything that told me Nitrogen deficiency has been stopped, hopefully. Time will tell. They’re not going to revert back to green overnight lol and some will still continue to die and fall off. The Sour 60 is looking to be almost ready, a matter of 2-3 more weeks should see them done.

I’m really loving these rich purple colors on the Sour60

@Mr.Sparkle ? Have you ever had any of the CinderEvil go purplish on you?


I agree man. That is a beautiful shade.


yep…I gotta thank @cannabliss many times over for this gift. I DO love the purple hues! She’s the one generated the Sour60 seeds.


Ok now I KNOW why I like you… 2TB is an impressive amount, got about the same here. Biggest (and best) addition was when a friend “ripped” the hard drive at a radio station in LA, copying everything. Luckily, it was ALL good stuff. Bilboard top 100 every year from 1955-2005, and tons of other stuff. I got everything from Chopin to ZZ-Top and everything in between.

You just joined that list Billy :slight_smile:

Dude, all I’m envisioning is “FEED ME SEYMOUR!” in the barn… lol

I used to be able to sleep in… Now when I wake its just a tell-tale of what time I went to bed, just subtract 6 hours. Body says YUP! you got your 6 now GET UP. Its a little annoying really, once in a while I would like to sleep in… But I’m not tired. My clock shifted in the past 12-15 years and settled on the “you need 6 hours of sleep, doesn’t matter when” schedule. Needless to say I am not fond of a 9pm bedtime because I’'ll be up at 3…

Pops was Colombian, so coffee runs in my blood… LOVE a rich flavor, but I just can’t bring myself to eat / drink shit… The thoughts in my head when I was drinking it wouldn’t make it a pleasant experience LOL

Ok, you need to keep those pills in the bedroom sir. j/k… I’m happy when I see 12 like that here, dang, I’d have a shit-eatin grin seeing them every morning (and again, why do people eat shit? they musta just had a cup of that civet coffee I guess)


lol thanx for the words cuz. I actually DO grin like crazy when I go to the barn and see my girls growing!
I also have a 2TB full of nothing but movies… I used to download screeners, etc off the UseNet. Any and all formats, I use VLC player, it decodes/plays any format.

edit… lol I only wish I could sleep for 6 hours! I sleep 2-3 n wake up/get up, sleep another 2-3 wake up/get up…repeat ad nauseum lol until I just get tired and stay up …

usually after that magic ‘6hr’ limit…


Lol. you got a dog too? j/k. If I ain’t dead to the world, pup will wake me up getting himself comfortable, thankfully thats only 20% of the time. Otherwise my house could burn down around me and I wouldnt know for those 6 hours… that friggen internal alarm is no fun though. I remember sleeping till noon in college and wonder what the hell happened? not that I wanna sleep in that late daily, but I couldnt even if I tried (unless of course, I was up all night and crashed at 6 am. then of course I’m up at noon).

getting older isn’t what I thought it would be like.,… I want a refund…

Movies? I got like a 40TB RAID NAS here thats full, but nothing you would have ever seen, and no its not porn. ROFL. In my diving I wanted to share the sights I saw underwater with my non diver friends, maybe get them to join me. GoPro cams were ok, but they sucked to convey the amazing grandeur of something like Palancar Caves in Cozumel. Pinnacles, spires, swim thrus, all fell FLAT. So, I bought the 3D printer, taught myself design and made a mount that held 6 cameras, which I could sync and stitch together on my pc, to make spherical videos. I have lots of the sites in Cozumel filmed (drift dives), and 6 cams, 1 hr per cam, 4K ea, you can imagine a hundred dives with that and thats why I have the NAS.

VLC is one of THE most awesome free players out there with the best codecs, hands down…

Usenet… dang… been a while since I heard that lol


It’s still alive and well far as I know lol I just don’t bother anymore got plenty movies and music. Plus with all the streaming media available now, not really any need. I just hate to toss em, ya know? :smile: :sunglasses: :+1: :wink:

Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc

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I did a lot of the original napster / limewire back in the day. usenet as well, but man its been 10, maybe 15 years really since… for a lot of live shows.

Streaming is changing everything for sure… But its still neat to have some favs / classics on hand for sure :slight_smile: We aint at the point of stream whatever / whenever quite yet, but in wont be long till we are at the rate we’re going…

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I guess I really should’ve done a grow-log for the 50+ I have going outdoors… But, I didn’t lol so here they be. I haven’t shown y’all these in awhile.
I tossed a bunch of photoperiods outside when i started this Auto kick. I needed the room and didn’t really care about them as I have plenty of clones of all, going in the veg room.
The ones in the pots were the supposedly Auto (that weren’t) from Mark’s CaliBestSeeds, so they got tossed out to live or die along with the others.
These have had nothing other than water, and are nothing as lovely as the ones growing by my brother-from-another-mother’ OTUG! lol
But, they’re healthy and almost all are starting to bud nicely, so should give me a good bit of bud. I pollinated a lot of them with the PPP dust from @DougDawson and there’ll be some interesting crosses comin. I hit Northern Lights#5, Frankenstein, Frankenstein’s Bride, Willie Nelson, Skunk #1. White Rhine, Sour Diesel, King Tut, and a few others lol

Now, if you look closely at pic #2 top middle, and #3 top left. You’ll see what moles do when they eat the roots! lol


Great update bruv!

Not sure if it’s in your interest; but I just recently covered every walking row in my raised beds with cardboard. It’s great on the feet and will eventually break down for the soil.

However, I did this because i am sick and tired of having to clear out my paths from overgrowth of plants I don’t want there!

So, I covered it to kill it; cause if you don’t grow it something will show up and take over laterally.

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we just weedeater now n then no biggie

OMG; in my head an image appeared of you blasting this out of a loudspeaker in order to sonically clear the weeds!