Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Looks good Johnny. I like the colors on the one. They all look great. The sour 60.

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They have the genes to do so, and most all mine have a purple tone to them at the end.


Awesome! I really am liking the purplish hues that one is getting. There’s another also but they still all have a ways to go yet. We’ll see how many do this.

btw. Thnx for answering my question!


Honestly I’d expect most all will in the end just varying degrees, and np looks like there all getting back on track.


I’m getting a feeling lol think there’s gonna be a bit of bondage going on soon in the outdoor grow. Some of them buds are looking like they’re gonna be heavy, and need support…


Big top girls. Yea! Morning


2 days ago, I posted a few pics of the new batch of Auto Maria 2 seedlings. This morning, most are doing good. There’s a couple of slowpokes, also a couple that popped but didn’t come out of their helmets. I’ll just leave them for the moment, not hurting anything to see how they do.

The GDPBlast are doin well in their new homes, they’ll be moved into the budroom probably later today so I have room for the batch of AM2.
Here’s a few of them waiting to go.

Into the budroom, where I find a lot of the leaves that were going yellow from nitro def are greening back up nicely. They’re ‘due date’ is the last day of this month, we’ll wait and see what the trichs tell us before chopping though.

The cinderEvil is a bit stretchy, but I went for the ‘au naturel’ grow on the first ones to see for myself how and what they’d do. Now that I feel more confident, I’ll be reverting to my usual methods of LST, Femming, Lolli-popping, etc lol


Now, you stay busy man. We don’t want to see you slacking off brother. Busy hands and all that.
:facepunch::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:


But I am being slack lol I will be better and then get busier. Very soon, I hope!


I get to go pull logs out today. Been a while since I’ve been up to helping. Them boys better get here quick or it’ll be miserably hot before we get done dragging.
Feels good to be at it again.


Morning over here. Looks like a busy day. Take easy Johnny. So do you miss the humidity from the East Coast? There’s somewhere you live at I believe. I know I ran from a few tornadoes in that state. You take it easy to Moe


Are you still doing the crab walk Johnny? I hope, at least, that has let up.


naw, it’s still here with me. When i go to moving around, the vertigo still has me doin a side step now n then. So I have the wife to help guide/steer me. That’s if i don’t already have hold of this walker…

I bought the damn thing because of other ailments, now I’m glad i have it to help with this new one!


Yeah @MoBilly don’t put yourself down again, you just got up.

@JohnnyPotseed things are looking good! Has the heat let up down there?


Well, I guess any improvement is still improvement.
I’m keeping you in my thoughts man.


Just a bit lol it’s still hot, just not sweltering hot…

I’m just outside ‘tornado alley’. I don’t even want to think about the humidity out there on the coast!
Before I bought this place, I was in a hardcore search pattern. I looked at a lot of places. This particular lot/home hasn’t been touched in over 28 yrs now. There’s something about the way the land lies here that storms slide past me on either side.
25 years was as far back as I could search for tornadic activity here, and been here 3 yrs now there’s water on 3 sides of me, and I’m in slightly rolling foothills. Storms/tornadoes usually take the path of least resistance, which means they’ll go along water ways if possible. The hills aren’t conducive to hitting me, I’m thinking.


Sounds like you picked your spot well. There is some nice country in that area.

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When you say “logs” what do you mean exactly? Storm damage? Sawmill? Just curious

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I understand we’ll talk later that was too much editing. That’s why I do a little short comment sometimes because I do this on my phone also. Lol

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You birds have a good day.

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