Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Now I have a version of “ave maria” stuck in my head with the word Ave replaced by Auto.

I’m gonna make more coffee now.

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I own a portable sawmill. It’ll take an 18’ log at 30" diameter.
But my Nephew just called and it’s a no go for today. I kinda figured that when they were so late.
Insert bad word here __________________!


Johnny. I was looking at those pics. How close are those to the lights in that last pic? That can’t be more than, what, 15"? They are stretchy for sure. They’ll be a lot of bud in there though!


Ooo that’s a nice toy!!! Got some logs here I’m waiting on a buddy getting his Alaskan mill back, so we can make some boards. Black walnut, silver maple, sugar maple and a nice hunk of oak…

I bet that’s 10x better than the Alaskan mill!!!


that’s about right, around 15" or so. Mr.Sparkle LST’d his. I just let these go since it was more an experiment to see how they do on their own. Gives me more of an idea just what’d be needed.


Oh man! That’s gonna be some damn nice wood!!I had a slab of Cypress knee crosscut. it was like 3" thick and over 7’ long and about 3&1/2’ at the middle. But, I never did anything with it for years so finally got tired of lugging it around the country and sold it! lol


Yes sir it is! I’m a resourceful lil bugger, if I can fix it or build it myself I do. The maple is very swirly, I just think flametop maple les paul when I see it. I’m no luthier, but thats what it looks like. The black walnut, I gotta find something special to build outta that, the last time we made boards from one they were gorgeous! And I got a few nice n straight 30" x 20 footers here… And with the cost of wood today? Shit these might fund a new truck! LOL

OH MAN, thats probably still out there, lasting forever! I bet that woulda made a freaking awesome table!


that or something similar was the original plan, lol I just didn’t have the time to bother messing with it.


Damn that’s big! Portable with a decent truck 🛻

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Damn… I see now that I didn’t fully answer your questions cuz lol
Yes, I do have a dog too. Actually 3 of em…2 very big Rottweilers and 1 Pittweiler. The pit-cross is my dog, or is it I’m her human? lol Anyway she’ll creep ever so slowly and quietly onto the side of the bed, and snuggle up to me. lol I find her when I wake up, and think that’s part of the reason I do wake up sometimes!


Clearly this is the only logical answer… I’m convinced dogs rule the world. They dont have to work, lounge all day, have their “owners” pet and scratch their back all the time, get treats, and fed regularly, get a warm bed, or multiple beds, some have health insurance, they get surgery, and WE pay for it all…

Yeah… we’re merely servants to the dogs :wink:

I knew you were good people for a reason :wink: hehe


Shades of ‘The hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy’ eh? We’re just allowed to think we run the world!

only dogs instead of mice lol


Up and at em Johnny boy!!! Hope all is well with you buddy. Hope you are managing to keep the flower rooms under control in this damn heat. Looks like at least another week of hell.
Stay cool and safe my friend.



lol I was ‘up and at it’ around 5AM. Already watered/fed both rooms and now fixing to go back out and do a bit more work.


No pics this morning, only a few things to talk about actually. I put the GDPBlast into the budroom yesterday, after shifting a few things to make room for them.
Also, looked at the Sour60s real good, they should be good to chop in about a week.
The 18 I pollinated are showing a lot of seeds, and I can’t wait to get them babies in my hands! But, it’ll still be another week or so before I will bother them. I want all of them babies to get fully matured lol… I’m sure there’ll be some interesting crosses.
I’ve found 2 males of the GDPBlast so far. I kept the bigger/prettier one to collect pollen from. This is only the beginning of doing more crosses, since there is also the Narcotic Moustache in regular Autos, I’m sure hoping to have a few males there too…
Also, the 10 Acapulco Gold regular photoperiod seedlings have 8 that’re doing good, and looking for at least 1 male there to collect pollen from! But that’ll be discussed on the thread for AG.
So, lol, there’ll be still more crosses coming soon to a Post Office near y’all!

Oh yeah lol I almost forgot. I also tossed 25 of nice Frankenstein that’d vegged for a few months, out into the garden grow to bud out for me there.


Morning Johnny. You get up early. You got to. I know you got a lot of work to do.


Good morning my good Sir! At early I see. Going to be a hot one here today so been at it early myself. :grin::v::call_me_hand:


Good morning folks. Yep, it’s going to be around 105 heat index here today. Got both ACs in the barn (both rooms) going full …


Very nice update even without pics builds up suspense lol for when you show us your rainforest lol

Was like that here yesterday not sure what the actual temp got to but was definitely right around 100


Supposed to be 100 here today also, with heat index over 105. so one good thing is it’s kinda dry heat, if the humidity was higher it’d be on up there over the 110 mark.