Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Profiteers deserve a special hot seat in hell!

edit… I had enough power from them two bigass gennys to power half the block…I only asked they try to kick in some gas, not money, if they had any, or siphon from any vehicles!


I like to call them carpet baggers. When the man comes back around He will set things straight

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I remember watching that. Wondering what our place looked like because at first, nobody was being allowed in. Then it was just two people on the house title. Two people cant do squat other than save a few items. Thank god its a family place, and like storms before, everybody pitched in and its better than ever…

the 2.5 weeks was no fun. Had no power for 10’s of miles around, so gas stations were closed for weeks. I had 10 x 5g cans we would lug to the end of the street, and a coworker would pick me up in a work truck. had to drive a solid 90 mins to get gas (luckily that was 20 mins from the job site). 10g gets my generator thru a day, so only had to do that 4 times. I powered my house, and both neighbors on the sides fridges / freezers. The REAL sucky part was we have a few senior citizens “mid-block”, and we were concerned should they need an ambulance… Pretty much everybody on the street came together to clear a path which took forever because those silver maples had 4-5’ or bigger trunks, and non of us had a chain saw with a bar longer than 20".

@JohnnyPotseed i know you were a water rat before… Have you been to the islands? Like more recently with the sore bones. After 3 months in Utila, I felt like I lost 10 years, and bones didnt ache nearly as much. The bay breezes and tradewinds help keep humidity at humane levels, the salt air I swear just helps us as we age.

LOL, and with covid, they all wanna move from NYC to my area. Home prices are astronomically up, and you can tell the city folk on their first garbage pickup. When its all over their lawn cause they put it out the night before. And them idiots don’t pick it up either! BLECH!


Well…gone around the world a total of almost 3 times in my life. Hit quite a few islands lol But, I’m now where I’m gonna be… no more moving for me. Without a natural disaster forcing me to move!
The islands I’ve been to and seen over the years are mostly nice, but there’s always the possibility of a storm taking everything out.


My dad’s genny at the time couldn’t support multiple households but he had enough juice that he ran some some extension chords to his elderly neighbor to keep her fridge and some heaters running. The genny he got after the storm however could handle a few houses.

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I had a serious genny and a good backup. The one was a 1940s industrial model with a ford tractor motor lol it was 5’long, 4’high’ and a couple feet wide. with 12 - 110 outlets, 4 - 220 outlets and even 3phase. the backup was a 20k.
The big boy I had permanently mounted in a Dodge van I used it on my construction sites

lol had a friend with a tow truck stick the boom arm in through the driver door and winch the damn thing into place


I remember the ones you’re talking about. We had another tractor also that we could hook a generator up to it was a German tractor I can’t remember the name I remember sometimes we didn’t have the weather channel you went by the night sky in the afternoon sunset. Good talking with y’all today I enjoyed it. That is so funny about Sandy Beach.


Red sky at night; sailor’s delight.
Red sky in the morning; sailors take warning.


Not like thats a bad thing… Looking outside tells me more than watching the weather channel most days. And honestly, they sensationalize everything. I am so tired of the hyped up weather. Henri brought a normal storm, maybe a bit more rain to me, but the news made it seem like it was gonna be Sandy V2. I just turn off the weather channel once my local weather is done because its all doom and gloom anyway…


Chief Hatcher is a good friend

edit… He actually did the marriage ceremony for both of my sons that’re married.

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That is so cool. I never knew him I remember some of the names but it’s been so long ago when my grandmama‘s mother die. I lost a lot of the history.

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post withdrawn


The Catawba, Pee Dee, Chicora, Edisto, Santee, Yamassee, and Chicora-Waccamaw. I have seen pictures of him. Good talking to you today. I had a buddy of mine grandfather had a car lot right down the road from where you lived at I know you know who he is. He had been there a long time. I’m happy to see good things I think you’re one of them

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I would have sobbed openly and ugly cried into a pool of mucus on the street right beside them :sob:


Used to go to all of the pow wows held by all of those tribes, every year.

We usually had our jewelry stand set up as vendors, but sometimes just to be there. We also danced in every one. My oldest son was actually the head dancer at one of the Chicora-Waccamaw pow wows.

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Such a small world.

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Will talk sometimes in private I’m sure you know my family

Everyone talks about the wild west it was in the Carolinas. You didn’t mess around in some of them places. I don’t know if y’all know what a Live Oak is I know Johnny does it takes 100 years to grow 100 years to live in 100 years to die I wanna how many people died around those trees

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That’s very possible! lol

edit… especially if they went to a lot of the local tribe’s pow wows.

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It doesn’t matter we’re just talking I’m just having fun this morning enjoy in this conversation I got to get back to it

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