Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

I think we all did. My street is one of those “old” streets. When Sandy hit, only 2 out of 16 houses were newer people, the other 14 having lived on the street for 30-40 years. I grew up in my house… The elderly neighbors are (were) like grandparents to me. Its changed a bit in the last 10 years now, lost a few neighbors, and new city folk replace em. Funny thing I noticed is just how much of a jerk some can be, to their new neighbors, who they might have to live next to for a very long time (lol I had a 30 yr feud with the cokehead across the street, when they sold their house I ACTUALLY threw a party celebrating it). Other than him, every other neighbor loved me. Gotta be a good neighbor, home ownership isnt apartment rentals… The new people in that house are awesome though!


Out of likes but :heart: .

I walk around naked under my sarong so the neighbours don’t mess with us.

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True, it’s hard to find good neighbors! You can’t pick who is going to be one lol The best thing is to move where there aren’t any! Like I did lol


That is so true now I know you’re my dad. I’m joking Johnny. I have a lot of respect for you man I see you’re up every morning you work very hard. To me that is very important because we have some friends here that we need each other around. One Love

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Johnny’s worried about his back child support payments now

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: really?

no other kids than the 3, to my knowledge, that is!

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Its funny, but its true! When I was attempting to relocate to Coz last year, my newish neighbors (bout 5 yrs now, they moved into gramma glorias place when she passed), they were PARANOID about the potential for a home sale and new neighbors. “We dont want you to move!” ROFLMAO. gotta make ya feel a little good when the neighbors beg you to stay…

Thankfully, all my neighbors are cool finally. The newest on the block, bought the house at the end of the street 3 yrs ago. Move from Paterson (city) to the country. Their lot is a quadruple lot (BIG) most are double, a few triple lots (I got a triple). How do they introduce themselves to the neighbor? Start cutting down the bamboo hedge between properties (its on both yards), and then complains that her nice little trash shed is two feet over the property line. REALLY? this is about as far away from their house as can be, no way it affects them one way or another. Even the bamboo is contained to the property line (been there 40 years), and he started chainsawing it on both sides of the property line.

Nice way to meet your neighbors, jerk…

They also never use their driveway, park on the street, and glare when you splash them because the way they parked forces you to a very tight lane, creating those potholes which fill with water… I KNOW you got a driveway, I spread 40 yards of QP for the prior owner! Needless to say, they are the unpopular house on the street now, and luckily its all the way at the end so it don’t bother me…

(yes, they are the ones with trash on their lawn, and they took a “top 3 on the block” landscaped house and destroyed it, cut all the well maintained foundation plantings, and let a gorgeous lawn go to shit as well as the trash they never clean up)

ok, enough chit chat… Back to the REAL subject here… JohnnyP’s amazing grow…

So, question, I haven’t seen it, mighta missed it, but have you done full room shots of the barn, or a bigger view outside? I’ve seen the outside ladies, and a lot of closer shots, but I’d love to see the barn more too :smiley:


I talking trash. Lol. It’s just a small world I think it’s a good thing nothing bad. I thought it was funny to say you take it easy buddy

There’s several on here of the whole thing, both rooms. I’m pretty sure on this thread.

edit lol only one ‘small’ problem…
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JohnnyPotseed’s First Autos Indoor Growing 25x2525x2525x2525x2525x25 1.2k 3.3k 2m

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had a feeling I missed them somewhere, its not like you are shy posting pics. LOL…

(starts searching back thru 1k posts)

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yeah lol I’m not about to go through over 1000 posts to find em, sorry

edit… but if ya scroll really fast and only stop on the pic…still a lot lol

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ROFLMAO… I may be a bit younger, but I aint lazy!

You got plenty to do, and lord knows I love to read… and get sidetracked…

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Here ya go lol I think I can help


that’s the veg room, you’ve seen the latest on the budroom

both of the cloning stations are in the veg room

Jesus man I didn’t know you had it going on like that I don’t know how I missed those pictures. Good stuff

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Nice and clean

thnx although it’s gotten a bit less in there over the past few days. I moved 40 or so into the budroom and 25 to the outdoors

edit… that second cloning station with the white lids, we built ourselves since those lids were all we had of the original cloning boxes

image Is that you?


lol it does look like me in my younger years


@Nagel420 ? I hope that satisfied your curiosity? :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:

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