Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

I know who you are now that’s crazy. I knew about you years ago. I never met you but I heard about you. You have done some good things

I did get to be known all over the US for doing things the way I did. I gave seeds, plants and bud to everyone I met that wanted. Also planted in every possible location, everywhere I traveled. Which was ‘everywhere’! lol

edit… in my travels I hit every state at least once and a lot of the states, many times.
It helps when you own your own companies and travel for a living also. Commercial construction, the jewelry (silversmith and Turquoise carver) and the marijuana!

I’ve had that nicname since the early 70s, gave to me in Cali


When I first talk to you when I had my other account your name was very familiar you know sometimes how those older guys are we don’t always catch things in the beginning. @MoBilly told me that you were a breeder. I didn’t think much about it until I really started reading your stuff. Especially where you germinate seeds I’m like I’ve done that like all my life that way. I have tried many ways to me that is one of the best ways to do your seeds. I have enjoyed talking to you I probably won’t talk as much like this again because this is your page this is your private area I kind of like to keep mine clean a little bit. I do like having friends over to talk.

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Like you said… this IS my page lol I don’t mind at all. I chat a lot… if ya haven’t figured that out yet!

over 3.3k views and over 1.2k posts lol so chat on cuz I don’t mind a bit!


Yeah I’m just trying to show respect that’s all I get a little loose in the brain sometimes

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It’s all good here cuz

Sorry @Nagel420 , I put one of the budroom in there without realizing lol I deleted it

Appreciate it cuz… LOL I was distracted starting from post 1 and reading onward… then to the mailbox, the printer room, see the ladies downstairs, then back to here.

I love it though… If I had the space… Do you ever mix in a personal plant or two, or does that seed to sale thing effect that as well? joisey is crafting the laws now, and there’s hope for smaller commercial ops like mom n pop grows, plus it might not break the bank…

Be curious to see if we do a seed to sale thing too. I mean, easy enough to track, but man ya ever feel channeled / limited?? Is there something different for breeders producing crosses, or are they keeper of record for the origin of the seeds anyway?

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It’s ALL ‘personal’…until I sell some. The S-2-S I have spoken to about that exact thing. I told them we grow for our personal and sell the excess… But we still have to have everything listed and cataloged.


I don’t know why they got to be so difficult about that. Do you have to tag your plants? With a monitor?

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yep, they supply, at a cost to us, the tags - RFID…

Just another racket lol


LOL, “supply”… What purpose does it serve though? Tracing origins? Or just more red tape and fees… is there supposed to be a purpose according to the agency that collects the fees?

I mean, you could lose plants along the way, atrophy to the black market, “oh, I overfertilized”. Guess I’m not seeing the point of seed to sale tracking other than needlessly spending money and making unnecessary work…


don’t forget pests, weather etc lol there’s a place to explain any discrepancy in the numbers from month to month

Exactly the point though lol

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There are Mandarins in every culture…

Well you can take some solace in the battle ahead of them if they hate that bamboo. From what I heard you could dig it out, fill the hole with cement, and eventually you will have bamboo coming through again. Supposedly an insanely resilient plant.


Funny thing is. The bamboo has been straddling the property line for like 30+ years. Hasn’t fully invaded either yard, just hugs 10’ from the property line. Not sure what they’ve done, but it works. Dealing with koi ponds, I’m sure you can imagine I had lots of customers want bamboo, some get it, and plenty of horror stories. I will never plant it, I’ve seen it grow out and over the edge of a steel planter, “oh, you think you can keep me from touching the ground? Hold my beer!” two years go by and that planter is gone, absorbed by the bamboo…


Even in the fish world :wink: LOL (Mandarin Dragonette, one of my favorites)



I hate the house build up behind us… a gaudy monster. To hide it I thought about planting hardy bamboo along the back fence as a living wall and as free material to use to garden with… but the cost of ensuring it “doesn’t spread” and the sheer will of these plants wanting TO SPREAD made me not go through with it.

Instead I planted Joe Pie Weed and Stinging nettle, both of which are doing their thing well. This year I let what I thought was a Sumach grow tall instead of cutting it… well, turns out it’s a tree of heaven… so I’m actually MORE PLEASED as this thing is so far away from anything I care about that it’s gonna do multiple things in my favour:

  1. Grows tall (or bushy if pruned) FAST.
  2. Leaves have a rancid peanut smell.
  3. Flowers smell STONG and like SEMEN.
  4. Similar toxicity to plants around it’s root system like a Black Walnut.
  5. The way the winds blow in the yard mean the semen is going their way, all day.

So, this is gonna PISS THOSE ASSHOLES OFF SOME GOOD! :smiley:
Houses in the area are listed between $700K-1.2M but these fuckers put theirs on the market for $4.2 MILLION and were pissed off when no one bought it.

This “free semen tree” is gonna piss them off and make me happy :hugs:


Bamboo are like vampires. Charming in conversation but don’t EVER invite them in.


Joe Pie is great, grows tall, flowers, perennial, loves wet areas (we planted around ponds often). Great plant.

The Tree of Heaven is an invasive in case ya didn’t know. I have a few on my property. Almost as hard to kill as bamboo, grows super fast but doesn’t spread like bamboo. Didn’t know it was toxic like a black walnut (actually one is right on the edge of my veggie garden outside the fence, literally 2-3’ from some tomatoes that had a roller coaster ride this summer, I thought it was all the moisture, but now you got me thinking) cause you can’t grow tomatoes under black walnut (any nightshade for that matter). Also have one growing on the edge of my pond, literally in the 24" space between pond and house foundation. I cut it completely to the ground every other year. First year it comes back as a bush, second year its tall enough as a tree its higher than my gutters. Cut it down, repeat. The exotic look to the leaves doesn’t hurt, but man, you just can’t kill it (I first cut it down to kill it, then I liked the bush that grew back next year. ) Now its “if ya cant beat em, join em!”…