Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Similar to Mint.

I was in Hawaii and hiked through a bamboo forest. The path chopped through it leading up to a 400ft waterfall and to keep the stuff from growing back in there was a wooden plank platform leading up the entire way. The platform was still wonky here and there because the bamboo was WINNING.

Creepiest part was in the densest part of it the acoustics completely changed. The air was still and if almost seemed as if the sound was sucked out of the space. There was little to no light even though it was the middle of the day, and on occasion the wind blew and you heard drums go off randomly around you as the bamboo struck itself.

Freaking awesome but also nightmare fuel.

@Nagel420 : Funny enough this tree is close to my pond too! It’s thankfully growing in the farthest back corner of my yard that tends to flood which is why I put in the pond to begin with and only plant “Survivers” back there. So far the only thing that would be affected by the tree is the stinging nettle (*which doesn’t give a fuck) and a shared cedar hedge (which also doesn’t seem to give a fuck).

I’m going to be nice and trim the branches overhanging the idiots property but also secretly training it to bush out right at the top of the fence so it’s veg matter is mostly above the fence line :smiley:


Cut it to the ground one year. Next summer it will be a bush. Summer after that will be exactly what you are looking for, with a trunk thats like 3-4" thick, supporting a bush that covers the 6’ - 14’ high area… For me, it gives visual interest to an otherwise boring white windowless outside wall… haven’t let it go to 3 years lately because it just gets scraggly up top…

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I cut it to the ground in 2020!
I haven’t touched it this year!
You’re 100% correct at what it’s done!

Score :smiley:

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LOL, well, it’s done that here for the past 10 years now, pretty consistently. I figured it would die eventually because when I cut back, its to the GROUND. But then up come the shoots, all holding up their little middle fingers at me saying “na na na na” … I gave up and made it a feature instead :smiley: LOL


Ok, it’s been 5 days and here’s the update for how things are looking now. On the Sour60s the yellowing/dying back is starting to come on strong, in spite of a good solid nutrient program. That tells me they’re almost ready to chop. The yellowing from nitro def was recovering but now it’s back with a vengeance. So, nothing but water from now until chop.

Next up we have a group pic of the Auto Extreme in the back and the Grand Daddy Purp Blast in the front

GDPB by themselves

And last a few bud shots of the Auto Xtreme & XtremeX, CinderEvil, Sour60

The beans are progressing nicely also, as you can see on some of the bud pics I took.


Jealousy is a bad emotion. But Dang I’m jealous dude That looks absolutely sweet


Thanks cuz! I can’t wait to smoke some lol

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Damn thats some good looking bud. Good call to seed those babies out.


Those bud shots are mouth watering Johnny damn! I have some Sour 60 on the way I’m excited to run after watching yours.


I’m sure you’ll do them better justice than I could cuz…with this many plants going, it’s not very feasible for me to do the LST thing to them! I’m too damn old for that much work! lol


Looking good! It’s really neat to see so many of each sort together like that, I can see how it would help you know whether something like the yellowing coming on is the life cycle or environmental.

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Johnny, you make gorgeous weed and you make it look so easy :laughing: :vulcan_salute:

Your ‘handle’ is well suited! :+1:



I want to thank you all for the kind words. They mean a lot to me.


@JohnnyPotseed wow man. You really are Johnny pot seed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: didn’t realize the size of your grow closet. Nicely done!


lol… ‘closet’? This is a barn with a couple of rooms in the house used for ‘overflow’!! Oh, also a good bit outdoors too lol :grinning: :+1:

edit… @CADMAN thnx for the kind words cuz!


love the auto sea of green. when you run that many who needs topping jus let em rip!

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looking good and I’m glad they all worked out for you I really am also @Slick1 sent pack number 2 out a few days ago I hope this one makes if not we will try a third time dammit lol have a great day folks
ps just chopped several more projects all regs DGrape GC and Cheese and crosses of them have to dry and do a germ test but I’ll send you some if you feel like fighting with regs again


I would say if the second one doesn’t make it the universe is giving me a sign and I’ll heed it :smile:

I appreciate you resending though and I’ve got my fingers crossed.

Hey there @cannabliss , thnx for dropping by to check how your girls did for me!
Was that ‘ps’ for me? If so, I’m always down to wrestling the boys lol
I’m happy with the way these Sour 60s came out! Thnx again for them beans! Grow On!


DGrape = double grape by mephisto by chance?