Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Are there any Mods around this morning?
I’m starting a new Thread covering a lot more of things I’m going to be doing. Including this thread on Autos. This and the other on Acapulco Gold should be moved to it, if possible? Since all are going to be connected and it’d cut down on server use and be more convenient to have all 3 threads (yes, also a couple of new ones) in the one…
Will that be possible?
@moderators ??

the new thread is up now, the link is

edit… Or should I change the name of this thread to the newer name and continue here?


OK I guess there aren’t any Mods available to answer my question… I guess I’ll just move the new thread to here! It’s easier I think lol

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Ok folks… Come One Come All, Everyone is welcome into the Big Top 3-Ring Circus! :wink: :grinning:
I’m doing so many projects with all of the strains & plants here, as well as starting a couple new ones. That I’m thinking it will just be easier to put all in here together!

I’m going to be doing several things here for those interested in seeing it.

First, after running a few batches of Autos and feeling more confidant about them now… I’ll be starting to train any new batches I do of Autos lightly so as to get bushier plants.

Second, I’m going to bud out almost all of the Photoperiods I have in the veg room. Effectively turning the veg room into another budroom… After taking a ‘few’ clones of course!

Third, in another room, I’m going to be attempting seed runs on several strains of the Photoperiods and possibly even some Autos… Hopefully this time will be successful! I’ll be using the EliteXElite ‘one-and-done’ spray, which has been OGenerously provided by our fellow OGer @Rabeats2093.

There will be pictures of the entire process in all stages (or ‘Rings’, lol) I, of course, shall be your ‘ringmaster-and-head -clown’!
So, without further ado, LET THE SHOW BEGIN!!
I’ll be asking the Mods to move two threads here in order to keep the ‘continuity’ and lessen the impact on the server using just one thread instead of 2-3.

Be right back after this brief message folks! :grinning: :crazy_face: :+1:

edit… As this ‘show’ progresses, there will be pics of all the different things I’m attempting here. I hope this gives folks ideas and all input, good or bad, is welcome and appreciated!


Thank you @Calyxander! I wasn’t quite sure just how to handle this, much appreciated!

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Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be adding some more HPS lights in the veg room, and removing some of those 4’ LEDs, dismantling the shelves to make the needed floor space and such, as needed. I’ll be first taking some clones of everything I want to keep in the Photoperiod strains. I’ll also be dropping a couple more batches of the Autos in the next day or so. As well as doing that EXE spray on a select few of the Photo strains.
Currently I’m in the process of chopping the Sour60, so off to ‘trim jail’ for me. I’ll be back later… Have A Great OGday, folks!!

edit… I’m really pumped about these next few steps I’m taking here! I hope you all can and will join me for it…


Good morning bro. It’s not often I meet a guy that wakes the roosters like I do in the morning on a regular basis…

You know I’m watching man.


I’m here with bells on @JohnnyPotseed. Coffee and everything! :joy:

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Yea. I’m here to bud. What up Cuz!!! Morning

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Good morning my friend Hemp!

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I been missing you. I know your busy. I worry about you and Johnny. Big Mike also. I know we work hard. I come here everyday to see my friends.

I am always onboard for another @JohnnyPotseed production :beers:

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There will be PLENTY of time to rest one day. Sitting around, not doing anything is highly overrated.


I couldn’t agree more.


The never ending education thread, love it! You should charge for this shit :grin: no wait…I’m broke dont do that…


I don’t always comment but I’m here almost every morning about 6-ish.
Excited to see what you have up your sleeve.
You say elites elite. Is that some sort of sex reversal potion?
Interested to see that. I kinda want to get a really good female going, get some clone and make some fem seeds out of the clones.


Love the introduction!!

Just grabbed some popcorn and a large soda

I’ll be here watching the show

Ps …should I have grabbed peanuts since I’m at the circus lmao

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Ringmaster ok… Head clown? I dunno, there’s bigger clowns here bud! So, now you’re making my life easier by bringing all three threads together. Whoot!

Go to Utila. The roosters don’t wake you, they keep you up all damn night (yeah, first time I heard a rooster at 2am I was like WTF?)

Very interested in following this. I got the EXE myself, sprayed one of the black cream autos almost a week ago. Looks like hell, but its still kickin. Just waiting to see them balls show up!

WAY too early for popcorn and soda. I think I’ll just pour myself a large cup of coffee…

@JohnnyPotseed Don’t forget when you are rearranging, to leave that space in the corner for my cot. The 18/6 room is fine, 6 hours sleep is all I need anyway :smiley:


this is the eliteXelite ‘one&-done’ spray everyone says is the shiznitz


I don’t know how many it’ll do but I have 8 Photoperiod plants in the spare bedroom… aka 'overflow plant room! lol
Also there are 8 boys so far out of the GDPB…I’ll be collecting their pollen also to ‘spread the love’…


I’m curious to see how you make out with it. I might need to do a reversal in the next month or so and have never done it.


The budroom is going to be emptier as soon as I get the Sour60 outta there. I have the 18 I pollenated of CinderEvil, Extreme & ExtremeX, & Sour60. The group of Extreme, and the group of GDPB. I’ll be putting the Auto Maria 2 in probably tomorrow. Also dropping another batch of seeds in the next day or so.
Up is the batch of GDPB in the front and the Extreme in the back

Next is the rest of the sour60 in the back and the 18 I pollenated in the front.