Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Good morning @JohnnyPotseed. Lol

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Yup you’re right !!
Wasted no time :crazy_face:


lol Speaking of wasting time… I just dropped another 85 beans…35 of the SnowRyder regulars, and 50 of the GhostRose x Cookie Devil fems from @Mr.Sparkle. Gotta keep up the pace here! :crazy_face: :+1: :rofl:
Oh also, cut a few more clones to keep the photos up and coming. Several strains of those also…
Here’s the new beans 50 GRCD on the left and 35 SR on the right

there’s room for some more and I might just drop a few I only have minor numbers of, just to have a better variety lol


ok, ya converted me on the seed starting method. Whatcha do for the clones? I have a homemade bubble cloner, once I went bubble, I never looked at rockwool, grodan or “kill your plants in a jiffy” cubes again. As long as my cuts are big enough, its always worked…

So, whats your method?

85 beans popped… Man, thats some work coming up, but a labor of love, I know…

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I already spent a couple hours in the ‘trim jail’ lol and got a few other things done, as yas can see! lol But had to take a break to be in the house for phone calls with tax lawyers/accountants in regards to the taxes lol then it’s back to work!


I use several methods cuz… those particular clones are in the Grodan Rapid Rooters, with a dip into Clonex gel prior. I also use my EZClone LowPro 64site and the 128 site, as well as just simple living soil in small cups …poke a hole dip in Clonex, put in hole mist cover with the dome done.

I used the Rapid Rooters since I was being lazy this morning
I’ve had and used the DIY bubble cloners, they’re ok too I just cant get very many in a tote lid lol

edit… Those EZClone 68 and 124 site boxes are basically a ‘bubbler’ only with spray, I also use a couple air stones in each box.


I always failed with cloning gel / powders / liquids and putting em in a cube or medium. Really thought “well, thats waaaaay too advanced for me”. Then I stumbled across the bubble cloner.

Advantage for me finally since I don’t have the forest you do! I only have a little 18 site homemade one now, I remember making 36 site ones with the big roll under the bed trays, but you are right, space becomes a premium in a tote.

The only hormone I use in the bubble cloners is some willow switches. Cut em fresh off of my willow out back, toss em in warm water for a few days, then water goes into the bubble cloner. I’m sure you’ve heard of willow water, yes?


lol I guess ‘being lazy’ is a mis-speak…I’m actually busier jumping around, than a flea on a hot brick! I guess instead I shoulda said too busy to do it any other way at the moment! :rofl: :+1:

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Yes, I’ve heard of that and other ‘teas/brews’ that you can use. I’ve just never really worried about it, since i already have a damn good success rate the way I’ve done things. I DID try a couple of the DIY brews and found they create unwanted conditions like murky or algae water, if not changed periodically…

edit… also tried some of the ‘enhancers’ sold by nutrient companies with the same results.

edit… No noticeable difference in just clean Ph balanced water and using the teas or brews


I have mist heads I use in my intermittent mist sand beds… I bet they would be amazing in that application, but I do worry about how much heat the pump would add to the water. I do need a heater to keep the cloners around 80f, but having lots of experience with pumps and aquariums, I know pumps can add heat for sure. Hmm… wonder if something like a maxi-jet powerhead would have the power to pressurize the misters, not like they are high pressure. would need no more than 2 in my setup, might even get away with 1, (the misters do have a decent range), but why not do 2.

I see a future experiment LOL


i did a side by side with a oxy cloner and the rapid rooters, both worked and roughly the same success rate, the oxy was faster though with bigger roots.


you’d definitely need a chiller. I use one in each box to hold the temps where they need to be.

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I have a 1/4HP chiller here, probably needs a recharge, from my reefkeeping days. no way I’m hooking that badboy up for a 18 site clone box ROFLMAO

external pumps don’t add as much heat. maxijet cant be external unless you seriously jury rig and silicone the hell out of it (aka not worth it). I bet I have some old mag drive 400/500/700 laying around I can plumb externally…


edit. the Maxijets also run cooler than a mag drive, so they might not add much heat. I would have several in a 75g, up to a dozen of them in my 300. but they are a powerhead, not a pump (generally means they aren’t designed for head height, just moving water in the aquarium like currents). But they can have tubing put on the output. Just gotta see if I have any that dont have broken impellers now. lol

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I used 1/10 HP here with no problems.

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one of the tricks is to not overdo it on the pumps/emitters. Too much pressure just knocks the new roots off the stems. You need to have a fine, gentle spray reaching all areas with cuttings down in there.

edit… On my EZClone boxes, I just added a lot more emitters since they got kinda stingy on the placement. I’m sure it was so they could get away with a smaller pump, but that doesn’t get everything nicely. I just replaced their pump with a better one and added more emitters. That works great!

edit… An yes! lol That ‘tip’ is from learning the hard way


These mist heads are a very fine mist, I wouldn’t worry about them having too much pressure. Matching the pump to the pressure needed, much better (less the pump has to work, the cooler it runs). Outdoors they run on a standard irrigation timer / 24v valves, but need a pressure reducer to 40PSI or they don’t work (at my houses 70PSI they will lock up and just dribble). Lower pressure is better for them, not sure if the maxijet would have enough, but since I have em, its worth a try. If it works, it would be a cheap setup for most, and easily sourced…

Might just try a maxijet and a pair of misters. if I can get them to sit just above the water surface, I bet it works…

edit. can ya tell I’m a tinkerer? Bubble cloner is pretty much set and forget 100% success for me, and I gotta play with something new… “just because”… lol


Yep, myself…lol you can run the pump outside of the box, just need to drill a couple holes for the in and out lines, using grommets to seal the CPVC lines. Done that, it works with no chiller needed then. but a hassle to break down and clean etc


I did thanks. Johnny has some good grow tips here. I’ll try to stay off of here as much as possible. He’s a very hard worker also I have to say hats off to you Sir.


I got here late to the party but I’m here now! :partying_face: Yeah they will look like crap after spraying like STS but they will bounce back with new green and sacs. :wink:

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been about 6 days now and mine is bouncing back, the axial tip is burnt, but I am seeing noticeable growth on the branches from the nearest node instead, almost as if I topped it… Still wrinkly leaves for the new growth, but they are still small…