Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Ok folks…here’s an update for everyone to check out.
I hit all 8 of the selected plants with the eXe spray just now, then turned out the lights to put them in darkness to dry . The last one was Skunk#1, it didn’t get much, the bottle was damn near empty after hitting all of them to the point of dripping/soaking wet. But I only sprayed a few select top branches and nodes/bud sites! to get the pollen pods. I don’t think I need to spray the whole plant, since the bottom pods usually don’t develop that well.

And now we wait… I’ve followed the instructions to the ‘T’ so if it does like it should, we’ll have pods in a couple weeks! I start the 12/12 today.

I defoliated a good bit so as to open up the sites better, and not just get some leaves!


That’s awesome! Looks like you’re putting this spray to the ultimate test! :grinning:

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That whole barn is very well AC’d lol So yep, short answer…I’m working in AC… I been in this kinda heat all my life. I don’t really mind too much, but the plants are a different story! lol I gotta pamper my tender babies.

edit… Tag, @Rabeats2093 !

edit… Not only AC lol It was a ‘post and beam’ old ass barn with tin roof and siding, vertical panels. I used a good bit higher rated than the recommended R-11 for insulation and also 6mil poly vapor barrier. Then caulked the shit out of things and cool sealed the roof with elastomeric . That thing is tighter than a tick’s ass! Doesn’t take much to cool or heat!


Like a comms officer in the truck! I hear you. Gotta keep the important things cool.


The same works in reverse also lol The weather can be cold as heck, they’ll be running around in shorts and ‘T-shirt’! While we look at them like wtf is wrong with you!
Backwards northerners! lol


lol I emptied that damn bottle, then took the cap off and poured the last drops onto the tops of a couple!


He’ll, we don’t start wearing sweatshirts till ice fishing season


@JohnnyPotseed wait till you see em tomorrow… I only sprayed one. And it looks like it was hammered by disease…

I did note earlier today it looks like I may have toasted the axial tip, kinda like topping it, but not. It’s just brown, but the two side branches from the nearest node seem to be pushing to replace it.

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The instructions sheet says there may be the appearance of ‘curling leaves’ I’m also thinking there may be some ‘burn’…so I wouldn’t worry at seeing anything like that since I did damn near dip them, they were so soaked!

I sprayed the nodes all over and the tips of new growth coming in center of each. So if the middle new growth does die, the rest of the nodal shoots will make up for it, imo


The one on the left was soaked 4 days ago.

You can see the burnt axial tip here…


Yep lol and if you think that is bad, you should look at the pics I took after using the STS I mixed up way too hot! omg :rofl: :rofl:


At the start, they were beautiful plants! It only went down from there lol Man did I screw up big time!

edit… I ended up getting 1 White Rhino seed and 16 Sour Diesel. Nothing else… so it might not been a complete wash-out, but it was so damn close I don’t consider it anywhere near a win!

edit… Here’s one of the worse looking ones after that ‘abusive beatdown’ I gave em…


Damn @Nagel420 …I see you ‘liking’ posts on that thread. Dude, lol are you reading the whole thing? I guess there’s something to be gleaned from it, if nothing more than how NOT to do it! lol

edit… It was, however, a learning experience for me also. I’ve never tried the ‘newer’ methods until here recently. If I screw up, I don’t hide it either lol
Them pods were almost all ‘blanks’ . Like I said, I only got 17 good seeds from that try. But, there’ll be more tries, once I can get some breathing room.


Isn’t that how we learn? Lol yes I read the whole thing. 208 posts isn’t alot lol


lol now you see why I said what I did… true, you got some damage but dude, this IS a weed we’re talking about! lol It takes a licking and keeps on ticking!

edit… I bet yours turns out just great cuz! Just have patience lol Don’t shitcan em, like I almost did! lol


True… give it the basics it’s hard to kill…

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ok, I’m off to spend some time with the missus, I’ll catch yas on the flip side, cuz


Awesome to see you’re putting the hammer down on those ladies!!

All of the best to yah Johnny!!


Thnx @Rabeats2093 ! lol I told ya, soon as I got it, I’d be putting it to use! :rofl: :+1:


Good stuff Johnny. Not really understanding the spray. We will talk about it it later. Keep it up pa I mean cuz!!!