Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Nice! It’s on its way now. I’m assuming the tip will catch up eventually but it sounds like its on the rebound.

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SHOW ME SOME BALLS! lol (man I have never wanted a male plant, and here I am making one. my oh my how things change)


I hear that a lot lol After folks start coming here, it becomes more about making beans sometimes.
Flower is still my TOP priority, but then seeds have also always a priority of mine too! lol
But Over Grow The World is a good thing! It just takes lots of seeds… :rofl: :rofl: :+1:


Autos got me thinking… Maybe I’m gonna have to make seed, can’t very well clone em and mother em. Then I became active here. And see how many beans fly. And yes, that change occurs, and since I grow for personal, I have plenty now that I can relax and grow for seeds :smiley: Oh the plans I have… mwuhahahaha!!


Now ya sounding like me!! It’s just the ‘mad scientist’ in us I think! lol I’ve always loved crossing strains to see what I can get. Hell, that’s part of the fun in growing this plant!


I’m trying to stay one step ahead of things with the Autos lol It does take a bit of different planning, that’s for sure! I’m doing the pollen gathering on the 8 male GDPB atm, and plan on hitting the next batches coming along with it. The Auto Maria 2 and the new groups of seeds I just dropped the other day, GhostRoseCookieDevil and SnowRyder. If any pollen is left, well then I’ll hit the ones after that! lol I also still have a bit of the Sour60 pollen that I plan on using on these later batches. So, there’ll be a lot of new crosses and seeds hopefully for the OG community.
Speaking of seeds lol the groups of CinderEvil, Auto Extreme, Auto Extreme X and Sour60 are really starting to swell with them beans. Mainly because I pollenated the hell outta them gals! lol I’ll have a better idea of just how well it took once I harvest them, but I’m looking at a shitload… :joy: :joy: :crazy_face: :+1:

I’ll have to grab a couple pics to post of them pregnant girls upcoming offspring lol


Ok, here’s a few pics of the ones I hit with that eliteXelite ‘one-n-done’ spray. Saturday I sprayed them all pretty damn good, lol to the point of the areas I hit looked almost like I’d dipped them… Everything under this light are in the ‘isolation room’ and all are boys. There is 8 of the GDPB autos from @cannabliss, that I’m collecting pollen from and the 8 Photoperiod strains, listed already.
4 days later, and some of them didn’t like it, more-so than others.


They don’t look to bad for being “dipped” !

I was wondering about yah this am when I didn’t see a post John !

Late start this am :crazy_face:


lol not for me cuz. I been up since 3AM and had already posted here and a few other thread. I just got done taking my morning shower and fixing a light breakfast, now I’m back. But, only for a short since I need to get out to the ‘farm-inna-barn’ to work!

ooops, nope lol i didn’t do a post here.


Morning cuz! How is it today? Looks I like the rooster has awaken.

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yeah I had to go roust the rooster


Dang that’s early five for me everyday

Hour drive to the job site one day my work will be in the back yard .!!

Don’t work to hard !

Gotta keep them ladies satisfied


Johnny says he’s going through a few pictures . And it’s 5 hundred girls. Lol

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Do you have animals on your farm?

Can you delete this I don’t want my ol lady to see or hear of a single man that can keep 500 ladies happy :crazy_face:


He’s one of the original ZZ Top members. They just couldn’t hang with Johnny

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only 3 dogs and 1 cat… used to raise chickens but too much bother for too little eggs. One a day per chicken is the general rule, and less if you don’t keep em warm in the winter, they don’t lay as much. I kept them warm and got the usual 1 per in the winter also, but like I said lol just too much trouble.


I’ve been thinking about a goat I think I can keep one behind my house the price of milk keeps going up there’s other alternatives. Lol. Good talking. Time to get going myself. Later bro.

cheaper to just buy them eggs and milk lol once you figure up the actual cost involved. Unless they ‘free range’ … both chickens nd cows. But then you lose em to the coyotes and hawks etc

the goats only give up milk for some months each yeah, also you need at least two they’re ‘social’ animals. One of my sisters has multiple goats, and lots of chickens.

I thought about getting a few goats from her when she offered…but then I slapped myself and discarded that thought!


Very true.