Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Morning @JohnnyPotseed.


And a gooood OGmorning to you, as well, cuz!

I didn’t even stop to take a shower before grabbing that pollen! lol Just did a quick piss, and face wash lol THEN hit the shower… after grabbing as much pollen as I could! lol

But very gently, so i didn’t lose any by making fast movements lol


Plant wait for no one! lol Glad you found it as soon as you did.

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How are you separating all these studs from the heifers?

Mares rather…lol

I had something occur yesterday that made me think about a few things. First I made a note to self to NEVER miss meds time! I was out with the wife running errands and didn’t remember to grab my mid-day meds just ‘in case’ I didn’t make it back home in time…boy, did I regret the HELL outta that!

I was so damn loopy and feeling super drunk I was stuck using the walker the rest o the day just to move around inside the house…IF I moved outta this chair at all!


I take any males I see in the budroom as they show up… I put them in the house in a spare bedroom to isolate.


Oh shit! Can’t mess around with diabetes meds, I have been down that road. On time every time.

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This is the meds to help get the Vertigo under control.

It gets extreme if not taken. To the point of being unable to navigate even sitting down

I was sweating like a $10 whore in church waiting for the final ‘amen’ cause she had a $100 date waiting outside!
Also, feeling like on a merry-go-round, a FAST one, even sitting. To the point of having to hold onto things just to keep in the chair…

Sorry for that analogy lol but cuz, I mean I was sweating!


I got one in my closet. Can’t tell my wife. Lol. Morning brohands


Oh wow, ok yes I remember the vertigo didn’t realize they even had a med for that.

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I’d say that was an excellent analogy! lol


Put it like this lol my son and a friend, sitting across the living room… they could see the sweating and were like damn, dad! I was under an AC and a rotating fan pointed right at me! Still literally pouring sweat lol

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But I’m ok this morning and gotta get to work…I’m late, I’m late! (shades of the white rabbit in Alice In Wonderland!) lol

I’ll cyas after a bit. Have a great OG day all!!
It’s already 6AM and I ain’t done crap other than collect some pollen lol


No one sets forth to be Legend… Merely uncommon men performing ordinary tasks on a legendary scale. You JP… Are a Living Legend IMO!!! Bravo!


Well I do thank you for those OGenerous and kind words cuz!


OK mid-day med break. Here’s a small update for everyone…
The seedlings are all popped, with the exception of 2-3. They are showing the tell-tail ‘white peek’ to let me know they’re trying to come out of those shells, lol. Today I’m putting them into the small cups I use for first stage. 3 days total since dropping.

The Acapulco Gold (6) are coming along and doing well. This is the preservation run on regular photoperiod strain, I moved everything here to this thread.

The last of the Auto Maria 2 are into their permanent homes and being moved into the budroom toady also… Here’s a group shot of some. Once in the other room I can take a better pic.

Into the budroom #1, the group of GDPB are starting to look very nice. The 6 Narcotic Moustache and 4 Cookie Killer… (see, @Oldtimerunderground ?lol I got the name right…this time!) Anyways, lol they’re looking nice also up in the front of the group! Found 5 more boys in the GDPB and removed them for the isolation room in the house.

The last of the Sour60 is getting cut still, but I should have it done in a couple more days.

The Auto Extreme have a lot of the leaves starting to yellow and die back, letting me know it’s getting onto their chop time!

This is a shot of the first part of the Auto Maria 2s I already have in the budroom, waiting on their sisters to come join them!

And for the plants I pollenated with that Sour 60 dust, I will be using an old hanging basket to dry them in so as to not lose any seeds! Still got a few to chop and add to the baskets.

That’s it for my morning! How’s everyone else’s day going so far?


Hey Johnny, something I’ve been meaning to ask you, if I may.

What are your progressive pot sizes and how far along are the plants at each transplant?



Awesome Johnny! I’m loving how you have your system working so smooth. Practice practice practice I guess. :thinking:


The Auto seedlings as soon as they pop, go into small (3-5ounce) cups for the first few days while I watch to see if any are not going to ‘make the cut’ such as slowpokes, weak and or dying etc. After a few days, I put them into 6" pots for a week to let them spread their wings. After a week in the 6"s , I put them into their permanent homes of whatever size I think they’ll need for that short lived life, anything from 8-12" pots.
On the photoperiods, I do similar, but usually let those stay in the 6"s for a few weeks and then around 5-6 weeks move them into bigger pots.

That’s because the photos are slower and cn take being in those pots longer.


Indeed cuz, that’s all it is lol I’ve been doing this so many years now,I can almost do it in my sleep… I actually even do do it in my sleep. To the point sometimes when I go out to my grow, I see something not done that I KNOW I did already! Only to gradually realize I had dreamed about doing what needed to be done! :rofl: :+1: :crazy_face:

I basically live, eat, sleep, and breath all about growing marijuana. Daily, with no breaks for decades other than a day here or there. lol

That’s a bit over 21 years straight now.