Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

drooling… :drooling_face:

Oh uhm, the day, not bad, cooled off nicely with Ida passing thru last night, got some leaves to clean up and a few sticks. A bit of water downstairs, but still much less than in the past, it’ll evaporate in a day or two anyway. Checked on my girls, (and my boy!, it feels so unnatural to be turning a perfectly good female into a male, and even wierder being happy about it!).

Trying to motivate and head into town for some ingredients to cook with… Then some yard cleanup. September certainly has arrived…

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Not here as yet lol It still is hot as hell and more to come…
Glad you didn’t get much damage cuz

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Yeah this morning was a bracing 65 deg. I’m glad my outdoor girls are finishing, or the one is anyway. lol. the big one just threw a new set and added 3". Scrambling to come up with a temporary green house.

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Oh no! Damn cuz, you gotta get them into a greenhouse to finish? That sux!

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I hope not. The thick one is already started.

And it looks enough like Indian ganja I hope the cold won’t really faze it.

Have you considered putting a light 2x2 wood or PVC frame with poly up around them? Rather than digging them up and possibly putting them into shock?

Oh yeah that’s what I meant by temporary. I have pvc for hoops just need the plastic

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‘Great minds’ and all that huh? lol

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I sincerely doubt I could get either out of the ground without killing them or me or both at this stage. LOL


That’s what I thought when I saw them girls going so robust! It’d be a damn shame to accidentally kill or even shock them. The recovery, if any at all would be slow and damage drastic…

The rootballs on them monsters has to be at least 4 feet across! lol

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Oh I’d just let it be what it would if it came to that. I’m just belt and suspenders if you know what I mean. lol Would like to see them really ripe. And smoke the results of course. I might even give hash a go. Never made any.

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You won’t regret that cuz lol I love making my dry ice hash!

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I’ve used hoop houses before, I just have to stay in defilade here. LOL

I need to look that up. All I know about is dry sieve and hand rolling.

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That’s how I used to do it for years lol, then went to regular bubble bags ice hash, then into the dry ice now for about 5-7 yrs. It’s the best of all methods, easier, faster, cleaner, more production, etc


Just sitting here, going through posts on several topics on OG and can’t help but be amazed at all the kindness and giving spirit here. It’s like a breath of fresh air lol especially after seeing some of the BS that happens on a regular basis in other forums. Whooof! There’re some serious trolling and denigrating, not to mention downright idiocy on so many. It makes you almost want to leave the internet!
Thank the gods for OG!! Also @LemonadeJoe !! lol for bringing the best there is back to life. :wink: :grinning: :+1: :heart:


Ok, I’ve been getting a bit slack in my starting work times here the past few days…going out at 6AM or later. So, I went to work this morning at 5AM to remind myself of just who’s in charge here! (them plants!!!) :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:The seedlings of GRCD from @Mr.Sparkle got potted yesterday evening, and the couple that hadn’t quite made it outta the husks were ready this morning. So into the cups they went also. The 35 SnowRyder had the same thing, all but a couple got potted yesterday and the couple of slowpokes got put into cups this morning, with just one lone seed not making the grade… RIP. So, out of 85 seeds I got 84 germinated. I’ll take it! Total time in castings was 3 days for the majority and 1 more day for the few slower ones. The first pic is the SnowRyder, second is the GRCD (Ghost Rose Cookie Devil)

On into the budroom#1 and the GDPB from @cannabliss are looking good, the late comers are going to catch up, I’m sure.

The Narcotic Moustache and Cookie Killer from @Oldtimerunderground are bushy AF! There is one that’s comin slower, but leave it alone and see if it can catch up.

The rest of the Sour60 will get cut today and tomorrow.

Last is the Auto Maria 2 from @Chronickyle all doing nicely

I’ll be dropping a nice batch of the CinderEvil I trade @Mr.Sparkle for this next germination, along with some other strain, to be determined when I get to it.
I did a preliminary ‘rub’ on some of the pollenated plants (Sour60, Extreme & ExtremeX, and CinderEvil… still too damp to get anywhere near all the seeds out yet, but damned if I didn’t see a ton of em falling onto the cleaning plates! I forgot to get a pic of em, lol but I’ll grab one when I go back out in a bit. After I rest a bit.


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed .

It’s funny to me that, since I was a soldier in a different time, that these styro cups and all the green lined up like that. Looks like morning formation in front of the orderly room.