Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

The sour60 sure looks good!


A good morning it is indeed! This has become my “cup’o’coffee” thread :slight_smile: Johnny’s fields of dreams (indoor edition). lol…


as i sit here aswell with my cup of coffee :wink:


crazy to see so many of those sour 60s grown out they look just like there mother lol great job sir have a great day



Wow brother, quite the enchanted forest you got going.


I took a pic of the ‘wet-rub’ I did on 1 of the purple phenome Sour60. I’m looking at well over 100 seeds just from that one plant and there still a lot of seeds in the buds… once full dried and manicured, I’m sure there’ll be a couple hundred at least. lol

Most of them look nice and fat, fully matured.


Also, the markings on these things is fantastic in the real… the pics just don’t do them full justice…


@lunchpale , I see you dropped by to check out how I grow? Any ideas, suggestions, tips, input or comments are always welcome here cuz

lol The Romulan pollen will be well received and treated as the ‘royalty’ it is! I’ll post pics in this thread for you to see as it goes along also.

To ease the clutter on the server, I’ve consolidated the several threads into just this one lol I guess I should follow @ReikoX and go with a name change to something more appropriate…like his ‘workshop’ lol
Gotta think about that name, I do like the ‘3-Ring Circus’ theme name I picked a week or so back lol :wink: :thinking: :crazy_face: :+1:


I’m pretty sure It’s done right, sorry folks but with so many different projects now ‘under-one-roof’, so to speak. It seemed only right lol
I posted this previously here, but in keeping with the new name change… here it is for all that didn’t catch it the first time. I can’t edit my first post to reflect this stuff in it.

JohnnyPotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is!
Ok folks… Come One Come All, Everyone is welcome into the Big Top 3-Ring Circus! :wink: :grinning:
I’m doing so many projects with all of the strains & plants here, as well as starting a couple new ones. That I’m thinking it will just be easier to put all in here together!

I’m going to be doing several things here for those interested in seeing it.

First, after running a few batches of Autos and feeling more confidant about them now… I’ll be starting to train any new batches I do of Autos lightly so as to get bushier plants.

Second, I’m going to bud out almost all of the Photoperiods I have in the veg room. Effectively turning the veg room into another budroom… After taking a ‘few’ clones of course!

Third, in another room, I’m going to be attempting seed runs on several strains of the Photoperiods and possibly even some Autos… Hopefully this time will be successful! I’ll be using the EliteXElite ‘one-and-done’ spray, which has been OGenerously provided by our fellow OGer @Rabeats2093.
FourthI’m doing a seed/preservation run on some Acapulco Gold courtesy of @corey.
Fifth I’m also doing seed/preservation runs on Romulan @lunchpale has so OGenerously provided the pollen of a Romulan for hitting my Romulan girls.
Sixth I’m also doing seed/preservation runs on 8 older strains I have in veg as mothers.
There will be pictures of the entire process in all stages (or ‘Rings’, lol) I, of course, shall be your ‘ringmaster-and-head -clown’!
So, without further ado, LET THE SHOW BEGIN!!
I’ll be asking the Mods to move two threads here in order to keep the ‘continuity’ and lessen the impact on the server using just one thread instead of 2-3.

Be right back after this brief message folks! :grinning: :crazy_face: :+1:

edit… As this ‘show’ progresses, there will be pics of all the different things I’m attempting here. I hope this gives folks ideas and all input, good or bad, is welcome and appreciated!


Great intro Man!!

:sunglasses: :+1:

I’m parking front and center…



Step right up …Ring master Johnny !

You are a man on a mission !

Interesting to see all your projects you got going on and follow then on the daily


There seems to’ve developed a decent sized number of folks that display an interest in my aberrant behavior… lol So I figure put it all in one place so no mo jumping around for anyone, myself included!


Put on a good show the people will come they say

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Well, with all the clowning around I do in here. It just might draw a crowd lol as long as the price is right…as in FREE TO SEE! :crazy_face: :grinning: :+1: :joy:

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We’re all still going to watch you jump around, lol, you crazy mofo


True cuz… lol but at least it’ll only be on this one thread!

Love the new title! :grin:

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Thnx lol it only seemed to be a ‘fitting’ change. :crazy_face: :+1:

lol sorry couldn’t resist the play on words there. I’m all over the place, with stuff going on in every phase/stage/condition, change etc It’s reminds me of a damn circus here at times! lol
Also, the ‘first autos’ no longer fits ! lol
Not to mention, it isn’t just about Autos any more,. Although they’ll play their part in the Center Ring!

lol or in ‘circus parlance’…The Main Attraction!


Can’t wait to see this all come together :v:t2:

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Hey now! lol didn’t I just bring it all together?! :rofl: :rofl: