Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

I was hoping a mod was going to help you out. With all that you have going on I didn’t think three threads was gonna work out. LOL

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Easiest for me to bush out autos mind you completely different spaces size wise, is to pinch and flop over your apex shoot typically just above the last nodes where all your other branches make a that secondary canopy from you main shoot, once flopped at say mid point or near the end of stretch and early bud formation the other branches start to catch up, typically has to be done twice though sometimes can get by doing it once.

Literally 10secs a plant


oh I’m sure when they got time, they’ll take care of closing out the Mexican Vacation thread for me.


Now that I like! lol Thanks for the tip there @Mr.Sparkle !! I’ll give it a go, along with several other types of training. That way I can see which I like the best, maybe a combo of several… But I will be doing as you just said to check it out. Thnx again cuz!
That’s pretty much how I have done some of, on photoperiods over the years. Wasn’t sure about on the Autos, as to how it would affect them, but I’ll do it for sure now that I know you do it to get them awesome looking bushes!


Yea cuz is up late. Lol. @JohnnyPotseed your the bud cuz!!! Lol you and @MoBilly are some hard workers. Peace


One thing you good folks may have noticed, or not. But, I don’t discuss yields. No weights are given out, sorry lol I can and will provide smoke report etc. But if you think about it, you’ll know why i don’t give out any numbers on weight. :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:


Guess it’s gonna become my 2 cup of coffee thread now? Lol…

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A gentleman never discusses weight where the females in his life are concerned. :wink:


I go through a pot at least in the morning just messing around on here lol


One thing I will never ask about. We know better. Lol

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I got a busy day tomorrow I’m just sitting here trying to plan it out looking at all these great pictures. @JohnnyPotseed

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lol I’m not sure I quite understand what you said there cuz?

If you mean the ‘views’ of a thread, I don’t mind that one bit, the more the merrier, I say!

Lol. I think I’m tired. Lol.

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I agree I’m just tired

naw, you’re ok cuz, i just didn’t quite understand, I think I did, but not sure…?

But if by ‘hits’ you meant ‘views’ then, yes, i do like it when folks show an interest in my thread. I enjoy the interaction.

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You did. You got at what I was saying. Lol

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ok, cool! lol
I try to make & keep things interesting a I can, and keep involved with folks when they comment or anything like that.

I like it. Enjoy the reading. I have learned from you.

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Your pollination techniques. Three other things I can’t remember.

maybe the germination method for one?

lol That is one not many ever tried or used until I did that tute on it.