Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

We kinda do it the same way. I have never seen it done like yours.

At one time. I tried to pull some stuff from ILGM can’t find all of it. I do like your germination method. When I first seen it I didn’t quite know what it was.

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Most the time I start from the bottom up. It’s hard to try to jump around so I start from the good stuff first and then work up. I’ve been joyed your stuff.

Never been on ILGM or many others. I don’t go on forums, usually. This is the only forum I’ve been on in probably 12-14 yrs now.
And only just came back on here last year after i found out it was back up and running.

This will be my last one. When I finish i’ll still hang around but I won’t have a journal.

Ok, I’m off for the night, folks. Cyas all tomorrow.

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Very good advice. I do like coming here and seeing my friends.

I like that method myself though sometimes I also tie or stake down a few branches as well very good advice indeed either way whatever method you use the training will increase size and yield for sure I’m shocking seeds tomorrow probably all morning yay me lol have a great night folks off to work



Ok, it took me a minute to catch up on everything on OG…
Coffee in hand, it’s a
That damn rooster didn’t hear me trying to wake him up at first lol
If it had been my old pet Rhode Island Red rooster from the days of my youth lol he’d be up n running with me! That damn rooster slept on my bed’s headboard.

lol You know you can tell I’m a country boy, if I had a damn rooster for one of my pets! :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face: :grinning: :+1:


Actually, the story on the rooster was a bit funny, then sad. Out of all the chickens around the farm, this one little chick would run it’s ass off trying to keep up to me every time I would go out of the house across the yard. He even followed me to the inlet of a river bordering the farm property. There we had a small dock and a diving platform out a ways. We used that inlet for everything! swimming/fishing/crabbing lol He jumped into the water when I dived, and had to save the little shit! I was around 8-9 years old. He grew into a really nice bird, and always was by my side if possible lol
He’d chase the dogs away from their food and eat it. Also very protective of me. He slept on my headboard and never messed in the house, a ‘housebroke’ rooster! Well, one day he jumped on an old brindle Pitbull gal, she turned her head and bit his head off! I was just crushed! Grampa cleaned him and grandma fried him up for us… I tried but couldn’t eat! lol All animals on the farm were just ‘food’ to grampa! lol

Well, not all lol he didn’t cook up and eat the dogs and cats or the horses…


ok folks, time for me to get going here. I’ll cyas later


:love_letter: :heart: :love_letter:

Also, thanks again @JohnnyPotseed for the STS hookup! I made up my solutions last night and sprayed the “Ladies” to become “Chicks with Dicks” this am with enough time for them to dry out before lights off. Gonna hit them up every 5 days until sacks start to show! (:crossed_fingers: )


thanks for that, autos are still vague to me


I must find a pic I have from my childhood, of my pet deer, and also a pet coon… when i find em, lol I’ll post up here…
I was always finding and making pets out of animals around the farm!


Ok, it’s been a few days since I posted a pic of the Acapulco Gold seedlings. So figure put one up for folks to see how they’re doing. @corey, this one’s for you. lol

They’re just a growing along nicely with no issues and loving the bit of nutrients in the soil mix. I haven’t given them anything other than the standard mix I use for my potting. It’s so rich, nothing is needed for awhile. Once they start getting bigger and I up-pot. Then I’ll start mixing nutes into the watering schedule.


Nice little golden babies you got there,

:green_heart: :seedling:


Was thinking of you when I run across this today. image


That’s hilarious! love it :rofl: :rofl: :+1:

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Thnx @Gpaw . I like the way they’re coming along. Can’t wait to see them girls get big n sassy!!The one in the bottom left in pic had some leaves trying to do weird stuff but it straightened out ok, looks like


They’re definitely reaching for the light. The Sativa Bolero begins…

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