Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Everything is nice and green, seem to be loving what I do to and for them. So looking forward to having both rooms full of flowering plants, now that I’ve emptied the veg room out lol

I manage to go out to the barn, put a couple hours in,… stop awhile and rest. Then back to it lolThis work, stop, work, stop is a pain in the butt! But, it’s how I gotta do it for the moment, hopefully I’ll get this crap that’s wrong with me under control soon…

Once them babies in the small cups are ready to up pot, that room being empty is going to be a blessing! lol The room will definitely be full very soon!


hey whatsup mister just thought I’d pop in and say heya just outa work time to be a mom also starting more auto seed runs today regs crosses and next round of reversals also the future mommas for the fem pollen I just collected cherry cheese cherry sucker sour skittles should fun anyway take it easy out there folks and have a great day



I know exactly where I was and what I was doing 20 years ago. :frowning: You could see the towers smoke from my town… I will never forget the feelings I had that day… RIP to those we lost and a huge THANK YOU for sure to everybody who responded (first responder or not!)

My pops was supposed to be in a meeting at Tower 2 that morning. Thank god it was postponed…


That smell… must be intoxicating! I know how much scent 10 plants can add. Can’t imagine an entire room! (yet)


I was ok until I seen 9/11 . Sorry bad day for me and others. One Love.image


Took me an hour and ten minutes to catch up on your thread alone just since aug 20 something, you sir are a very busy man, absolutely love the scale in which you do things. (My methods were similar up until 2016-17) but I’ve realized I need my perpetual, multi strain garden back , and my full pheno hunts. So I’m building a second flower room as soon as my dad gets his place (he’s currently occupying my only remaining spare room out of 5 ) keep up the great work everything looks awesome. And thanks for the motivation sir, truly :pray:t2:


Man. I am doing something wrong with my autos, looking at yours.
This is my second try with Auto. First did not turn out very good. Have not tried her smoke yet but she was tiny plant with fat buds. She is still curing so the jury is still out. But these lemon pies are different. Big time. I have flopped them here and there. To expose bud sites. They just don’t appear very big for autos at 40 days.


lol Sounds like you got your hands full…with your babies and your babies! Also a lot of crosses being made too!

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I’ll never forget where i was and what i was doing either, and that my oldest son, at 17yrs old went to enlist, with my blessings. They wanted him bad lol but couldn’t take him. Something about 1 school credit, plus age. They kept calling him afterwards, offering E4 and his choice of a few different high tech crap lol. But he basically told em ‘naw, you didn’t want me when I wanted in so f’off’ lol
The age thing was covered by parental permission. it was mainly the scho\ol credit that stopped it.


Where did you get that Lemon Pie from? 40 days for that amount growth does seem a bit long. But hey, they’re healthy and green! Nice 7 finger leaves too. Don’t see any stress, and they’re starting to bud. So maybe just a bit of ‘slowdown’ due to the training? If you look at the pics I just posted, you’ll see similar going on there also. The ones side by side, with one trained and the other not, the bud is forming faster and bigger on the one I left alone.
What I’m thinking is just the training has slowed em down just bit. I wouldn’t sweat it dude, them are healthy AF! Also from the looks they’ll be bushes in the end.


Thanks man, I guess I’m just a bit worried cuz I have been told that 80 days, I’ve or take 10 and there’s harvest time for autos. So at 40 days, these should be halfway there.
Oh yeah, I got the Lemon Pie from @Mr.Sparkle

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@JohnnyPotseed has everyone saying cuz. We all are kin bro. Lol put them to work Johnny. Good stuff. @BigMike55 im not trying to run with you guys and autos right now.


I see what yer saying, boss. I am just jumping the gun. As long as they are green, healthy, and showing pubes, I should engage LITFA.


lol yep, Just ‘follow the triches’! The best i can tell ya cuz…
I honestly expect the ones I’ve done some ‘training’ on to be a bit slower also.


Nice thread man, altough I ve skipped a few posts… someone round here said he wants to be like you when he grows up.


Good Morning OG! It’s 2:30, where the hell is everyone? :crazy_face:
oh wait that’s AM…everyone is asleep… lemme go kick that damn rooster in the butt to wake him up!


I have a lot on my plate now lol But I think I can fit just a wee bit more… :crazy_face: :wink:
I’ll be doing a few more preservation/seed runs now, for one thing. Also going to be potting up the 200+ seedlings in small cups over the next few days.
Then there are some plants outdoors, I’ve decided to move into the other spare bedroom under 12/12 HPS for better control during the seed runs.
Got a chop coming up on the Extreme from @Chronickyle,
Also, fixing to drop another hundred or two seeds for the next batches up.
Still in the process of collecting pollen from the GDPB from @cannabliss to use in future crosses.
This circus is getting new acts added!! And gotta pick up the pace to keep it right. :grinning: :+1:
Also of course, you all know there’ll be lots of pics during the whole process!! :rofl:


On another note, the Sour60 from @cannabliss is almost done curing, lol But the smell was so fruity and sweet, i couldn’t resist trying some out! Both the purple and the green phenos are smooth as silk hitting, and stony as heck too!


Wake n Bake?

Mornin Johnny. Lets see what the day holds

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The day holds a lot of work for me, but then…I can’t call it ‘work’ but rather call it ‘labor of love’ … It’s impossible to call something you love doing, and can’t wait to get at ‘work’! lol