Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

glad to here it came out good seriously lol the phenos I like the best which Ive found a few times taste like lemon meringue pie


Well, the actual taste on any single plant is still a mystery to me here. Since, once dried and going into the curing jars, all green phenos are in same jars, just as all the purple phenos. But, they’re very nice. lol

lol They’re helping to replenish our med cabinet!


Johnny you’re an animal bud! Good morning to you, please continue killing it like you do :v:t2::v:t2:


Hell @SmellOfGreen … I refuse to ‘grow up’!!


Thanks ( I think lol) for that. Ill do my best!

Animal,hmmm :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:

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All in compliment my friend. Insert whichever adjective you’d like there to best describe your ambition!

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Hold on to your coffee. Morning cuz!

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I’m totally imagining you dressed up like Bill Murray in Caddyshack when you talk about the rooster :laughing:


Goodness @JohnnyPotseed you’re 6hrs going already! Find some magic dust somewhere? LOL Seriously, good to see you back in action.

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I’m done for the day…total toast! I did manage to get a few things done…even if it was do a bit, sit a bit…do a bit, sit a bit…lol


Oh i ain’t ‘back un action’ yet cuz lol I’m faking it till i’m making it. :rofl: :+1:

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Dam your done for the day and most people are just dragging there ass outta bed still on my first cup of coffee haven’t even smoked my morning spiff yet!


I say that, just don’t believe it for a second! I know sure as hell, I’ll be back out there piddling around as soon as I’m up to it again… :rofl: :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:


Dude… Johnny’s old school… Don’t you see he wakes the roosters? I’m on at least my third cup of coffee, but smoked a bit of bubble hash for wake n bake and am now wondering WTF happened to the last 3 hours…

I really need more sativa here…


Hey cuz, ain’t nuttin wrong in a wake-n-bake! I got Sativa concentrates for morning, and Indica concentrates for the evening. Then there’s the usual toke-n-joke daytime doobies…

Those we love to blend 2-3 or more strains beautiful buzz

I took some of the trim from a few of the last chops and blended it then mulched it all down into a small pile. lol Our ‘trim’ is all bud foxtails and sugar leaf. no fan leaf or anything like that.
I used CinderEvil, Auto Extreme & Extreme X, Pink Panama, SnowRyder, and Sour60, (both phenos) for the past couple days…It’s off the hook!

Hell lol if there’s no trichs on the outside part of the sugar leaf, that goes into the compost also! When trimming, I do a tight buzz cut on the bud to make it pretty for sale to the Dispos, but the trim I take the best part of the bud really!


Indica was hard to find around here, so of course, I focused on indica for the grows. But after my current ladies finish making seeds, its sativa for sure. I have the variety in tastes now, but not type. Mexican Death Sativas and Colombian Blacks should help balance it a bit :smiley: I gotta try and pop some Purple Malawi in the seed starter too (they didn’t fare well with the soaked paper towel method, got a feeling the Johnny P 2000 will do the trick)

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Never had any problem, no matter what strain it was!! The WC always gets em going. lol
You’ve seen that in here with all the batches, Photo, Auto, old seed, new seeds, fem or reg, no matter…

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lol, I found some seeds in a tin in the attic yesterday. GOTTA be 15 yrs old, but nice, fat, tiger stripes, look good… From the amount, it wasn’t shitty brick weed, but maybe higher mids. I am gonna toss some in the JP2000 and see :smiley: more outta curiousity than anything, who knows what will pop up. Those seeds should be relatively unmolested lol

The temperature extremes up there will tell the story, icy cold in winter, hot as hell in the summer. If they pop, and have endured years of cycles, lol, seed storage theory might get a new chapter ROFL

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Go for it cuz! The oldest seeds I’ve ever done were around 30+yrs old, those I rolled some medium grit sandpaper into a tube and shake the seeds in it for a minute, then same process as always. no problems. If they’re really hard shelled, I got a scalpel I trim that rim off.
I use those scalpels in the jewelry actually. That’s what they were bought for at least lol the ones with change out blades for different wax working in the shaping for casting silver.

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Sold all the molds and both casting machines and the kiln. But still have all the hand tools.

The casting machines I had vacuum caster and a centrifugal caster. I used the lost wax casting method.

There are the newer machines now for that kind of work, CAD and Laser.