Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Nah, that’s not abuse. If they die for lack of something maybe but they’re tough plants.

I know how to train and all that and I do indoors. I have six months of that coming up. :joy:

I enjoy the plants themselves, for themselves. Letting them do what they will teaches a lot about a lot of things.

They’re heavier than they would have been had I not fed them as much as they would take and when I dug the holes I put a good stash of meals about 10” out of reach. In three weeks they reached it and boom.


Good Morning folks…


Hey dude :v:t2:


Morning fellas.


g’morning gentleman!


Good mid morning to you Johnny. My ass is draggin today.

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Its almost lunchtime for Johnny! :smiley:

I’d work on the ladies overnight too if they weren’t in the dark sleeping… Been up since 3:30 myself LOL


I was awake at 5, just not moving much. :joy: Long day yesterday. Rather sore.

Morning from work , deep in the sticks , in Hope’s all has a fantastic day !


LOL, love the Popcorn Sutton avatar!

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@Nagel420 I may have been accused of running a few gallons of likker the last 25 years…lol


lol I know nothing about that stuff… and no one can prove otherwise!! :grinning: :wink: :+1:

Although, when i cam home from Nam… grampa’s ol still was just lying around, not being used… So, I mighta tried to preserve it somewhat. But that’s a ‘mighta’ … nothing that can be used in any court!


This is a legit question, why is moonshining illegal? I mean I brew beer in my garage, no license, I’ve got homies that distill their own spirits, no license, is it just that they’re trying to sell it without any type of license that makes it so illegal??

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Cause explosions are fun.


Filthy lucre my friend. That and accidental blindness. Prohibition made liquor a high priced commodity and money eliminates competition.

Also, good shine and poison are only separated by knowledge and detail. You’re very unlikely to die or go blind from bad beer.


In Missouri you can run off 100gal of mulekick for personal use.
That’s a lot of “personal use”! But you better NEVER take any off the property!
It isn’t something to just decide “Gee, I’ve never done this before but how hard can it be?!” (Famous last words).
Find an old hat to teach you. It’s safer that way.


I’m by no means interested in making it, just always wondered after prohibition was over why it was still illegal, gotta be the trying to sell it part I guess though

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Cause the govt. can’t collect its money off of backwoods sales… Of course uncle sam wants his cut, and he’ll make ya pay for the license to make it too!


That’s partially true. I can’t say whether the big distilleries work overtly to support that but it can’t be denied they benefit from it.

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There’s a big difference in ‘personal use’ and ‘for sale’ You can do wine, brandy, beer, and whiskey all on a personal use amount basis. But to go past a certain amount of any it then becomes considered ‘commercial’ or for sale.