Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

G’mornin sir! Kindly give that sun a kick in the ass to get it going, would ya?


Happy Saturday Johnny!


Good morning good sir!

How are the AG babies?


Morning and YES! This!

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“Pain is just weakness leaving the body”

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The AG babies are chugging along, i’ll try to get a pic today and post for everyone to see.


Onto another subject… @Rabeats2093 , to this point there is still zero pods forming. Another of the sprayed plants has died, leaving 6. But nothing on any of them. I’ll have to continues doing as I always have, collecting pollen for selective breeding, or hope any other method I try happens to do the job, finally. I’ll probably give CS a try next, as that’s the only method not tried yet, lol.
You folks will have to forgive the lac of pictures, I’m not in a very good place, physically atm. The son and wife are doing the bulk of the work here. But, when I’m able I’ll try to grab a few for yas.
I’ve gotten a couple of DMs addressing this issue, me not joking etc as much, of late. So, figured I’d speak on that…
I’m trying the PT a couple times a week, also the meds. But it seems I’m fighting a losing battle here. Apologies…


Don’t worry about anything besides your health Johnny all the best to you and the family !


Focus on yourself first my friend. We can wait for updates and pics, your health is far more important bud…


Sorry to hear this my friend, truly am. No need for apologies you do you and take care of yourself. I can’t believe the amount of work you do every day in the cultivation area alone, you sir are a hard working individual. Take a little well earned break and feel MUCH better @JohnnyPotseed


Sending the most positive and healthy vibes your way my friend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When you’re ready, I can send you a generator for the CS. No rush, just want you to know it’s there down the road when you want it :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh no @JohnnyPotseed my heart to your bruv. We’re glad you are taking care of yourself and that your family is there with you to help you and your green skinned babies.

If there’s anything any of us can do for ya please let it be known. I think I can safely speak for the group as a whole and say: if it’s within our power you got it!

:seedling: :heart: :fist: :heart: :seedling:


I do mess around with autos a bunch. As an older grower I get the hesitancy re: autos, but they ain’t low rider anymore.

Nice grow. Great set up and good end product. Can’t fault that. :wink::slightly_smiling_face:

Pretty much only grow my own autos I’ve bred. I got one zkittles and diesel auto on the go atm from seedsman. Not that I think much of what I’ll get but some new flavors and genetics are welcome.

fire Princess auto
giga zkittles XL fire princess S1 outdoors. Three pics, three lots of fun. :slightly_smiling_face:

Good to see more experienced growers having a crack with autos.


Get well soon. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I use STS predominantly. Far better faster results. However you do need to be aware of how corrosive it can be. Always spray h20 about 15 minutes after spraying with STS. This reduces burn issues. Nothing is as good as STS for reversals, absolutely nothing.

I’ve used ga3, cs, ga3 and cs, silver nitrate and cs (works well cs replaces sodium thiosulfate as transport molecule) and STS. STS is my prefered Tek.


Take your time and get yourself better man, everything else is secondary. You’re a bad motherfucker so when you whoop this thing’s ass I look forward to that triumphant “Morning Cuz!” post :beers:


Prayers for you Johnny! I’ve been at Starvy Creek bluegrass festival the last few days so I haven’t been around much.
You take care brother!


Good Morning, OG!
Thnx all for the well wishes, I do appreciate them, as well as the emotional support the great folks here give out, as readily as the seeds!
Not much to say, other than getting old, I thought, would be or should be fun…get to relax and enjoy things more. Yeah right… lol NOT! But hey, it is what it is…
I’m not giving up by any means lol I’ll continue to grow until I can’t…then I’ll sit and advise my son, wife, and others lol He’s getting to be a pretty good and intuitive grower, so that’s one ‘family tradition’ that came through!
For the first few years after I took over the family growing, after my pops retired due to health, that’s what he did for me also, lol
I will get some pics up today…
Grow On! to all my OG family!


Good to see you in good spirits my friend. I never thought getting old would be fun. Life screwed us, we should be born old, work, and then die as an infant. Imagine if we could reverse that whole process…

But alas, it doesn’t work that way… Still, its good to keep active, so do what you gotta do to take care of yourself, but don’t sit too long (for some reason I don’t think thats an issue with you, if anything, the doc probably has an issue getting you TO take a break)

Yer still up before the roosters, and thats usually a good sign… :slight_smile:

Enjoy your day my friend!