Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

lol yeah cuz…that’s the one thing the doc tells me every damn time I go to him. ‘Relax, take it easy’…
Ok, sure I will, when I can’t move at all, then I relax, until I can move around some again. lol

‘Usually’ lol Or…it could be I just can’t lie in the bed anymore from hurting. I’m up and down about 4-5 times a night, and finally get up and stay up once laying down is too much. SO I come on here and read through folks threads and such lol


Man, it pains me to hear that buddy, hence why I said “usually” and italicized it for emphasis…

Younger folks never understand the bodys pains later in life, I know I sure didn’t! Now, as I age, parts ache, especially broken or damaged parts. If I knew that earlier I still woulda probably done all the same shit…:rofl: But man, I understand that slow shuffle in the morning a bit more now.

Admit it, you reading threads here is good medicine. I’m sure you laugh at your fellow smokers comments, I know I do… Plus being around those who support you is just awesome medicine, even if we just share interests… We help push each other up really…

Definitely one of the bigger reasons I frequent OG, is that feeling of wanting to help others and that there’s a bigger family out there…


Couldn’t have said it better myself cuz!


Morning Johnny. Sorry to hear about your troubles man, I hope you start feeling better ASAP. It’s pretty cool that you’re passing down what you know to your boy. I love my old man but we could not be more different in our pursuits, I ran off to the mountains to snowboard and grow herb and he’s the lounge by the pool type in florida, I always wished we shared more common interests, so good on you for bringing your boy along with you. Hope you enjoy this Sunday dude!


I’m both glad you’re feeling better in spirits and that you have a plan @JohnnyPotseed .
For when that time comes, may I suggest getting these and extendable sticks to help out your son, wife & others :smiley:


It’s truly a ‘family tradition’ @LegsMahoney …My grampa taught my pop and my uncle, then helped to teach me along with my pop. They’re all gone now, but I’ve taught all 3 of my sons, same as I was taught. The oldest has taken to it more, and is involved on a daily basis, taking up a huge part of the workload, and learning to understand the plants needs, etc.
Sunday? Is that today lol just another day on the farm here cuz


Pretty good right there!! You’ve skinned the cat @Nagel420!! :flushed: :smile: :upside_down_face: :hugs:

…six days later LOL!

Wow ! @Pigeonman, You got my attention!! Is it that kinda effect which leaves a trace psychosis and or trauma, or divination is somehow linked to the likes of samadhi or nirvana!? Not joking, curious!! :flushed: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking: :hugs:
Apologies @JohnnyPotseed !! Thanks!!


Ok I did manage to grab a few pics of things here, for a small update. lol
We have, for your viewing pleasure, up first is some Ghost Rose Cookie Devil courtesy of @Mr.Sparkle

Now onto the Cinderevil, also from Mr.Sparkle,

then the GDPB from @cannabliss

then the Narcotic Moustache, and also the Killer Cookie from @Oldtimerunderground

now for the Auto Maria 2 from @Chrtonickyle

And last but not least, the AG from @corey

I’m still hoping the one in front right corner comes along, it’s trying at least so it lives… for the time being!


Looks great cuz! You got everything rocking bud. Love the thin leaves on them AG!


Easiest way to answer:

If you have a deep question, mull on it while you are preparing for your journey. Keep focused on your question as you consume and the answer may follow.


Wow!! Have always heard of it, but had never even seen one!! It sounds deep, to say the least!! Awesome! Thanks!!


Just don’t go into a journey with the wrong mindset.
I did ONCE. Ended up staring at my longhaired weinerdog Sponge for 45 min going:
“WTF IS THAT. oh, it’s my dog Sponge. BUT WTF IS IT?!?, Oh yeah, Sponge. BUT WTF!?!”


Scary shit!! At times I catch myself just like that!! Sometimes not even under any effects (weed and or alcohol)!! LOL!

Should say under the influence…! :joy: :rofl: :hugs: :laughing:

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:laughing: :laughing:

You said a mouthful there my friend.


Loving the grows bro. Hope you’re smoking plenty of the Frankenstein :grin:


Thnx cuz… I try to never run out of Frankenstein.


Looking good crip cuz!! :laughing: I gotta hit up @corey for some AG too!! Love the AG and so far it’s looking proper :ok_hand:t2:


Thnx cuz… As long as I have any say in the matter, it’ll continue to look ‘proper’ lol or as close to it as I can get them! there’s going to be a bit of cloning done, so I can bud them out and cross her as well, also give some away. Gotta get this old strain back into popular circulation lol As well as sooooo many more of the vanishing old strains!