Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Hey man, have a nice day, your topic grows fast…
First, good improvements for you, rest, let the boy work for you, under your supervision…
Second, congratulations to you and your ancestors, the ownership transition is a challenge. Generally, the heirs flee to large urban centers… And they sell as soon as they can…
This is a great victory my friend, congratulations…

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Good morning sir hope all is well …

So we calling that experiment a bust !?

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Do they call it Frankenstein because it makes you walk like him? Arms out, no bending the legs, etc. etc.

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G’morning my friend. How ya feeling today bud?

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If you have any Frankenstein beans you’d want to trade let me know! Seeing you endorse it so many times has definitely made me curious.


@Rabeats2093 Even though I had about gave up on seeing anything come of it. There ARE pods starting to come on several of the remaining 6! I discovered this when I shut the room down for darktime this morning. What remains to be seen now, if the pods are empty or full. I’m still hoping, lol
We’ll hold off on the final verdict until what’s done is done, cool?


‘They’ don’t call it Frankenstein lol according to the movie ‘Grandma’s Boy’ where it got an 'honorable mention…
I myself called/named it Frankenstein due to the fact that I blended originally 7 strains, hence the name.
The lineage is as follows
white russian…19-25% 50/50
sour diesel…17-23% 50/50
the pure(skunk#1)…15-19% 65/35 indica dom
blueberry…16-24% 80/20 indica dom
white rhino…14-20% 100% indica
hawaiian snow…18-24% 100% sativa
G13…22-24% 70/30 indica

crossed back with;
White Russian BX1
sour diesel BX1
then added Maui wowie…20-28% 80/20 indica

Frankenkstein - 60% Sativa/40% Indica
avg low THC 17%
avg high THC 24%
avg 60% indica 40% sativa
avg CBD - 1.6%
avg cbn - .05%

It took 3 & 1/2 yrs total to blend and then another year and half to smooth her out to breed true.
The Sour Diesel, White Rhino and Skunk #1 that I still have growing from '98-'99 are 3-4 generation clones of the original contributors of making Frankenstein over 20 years ago.


I think mine may have dropped pollen quicker because of genetics / timing? The Black Cream autos I ran this summer had a 10 1/2 week seed to cut time. I sprayed the black cream at about 3 weeks, so 4 nodes and an axial tip. If you recall, I did toast that axial tip, and it acted like it was topped, so I gotta imagine I REALLY soaked the growing tip. I sprayed before any flowers / pistils developed as well. But I didn’t think I used much spray by looking at the bottle, like I could still do another 8-10 plants at the rate I used it on one???

If you ever share seeds of that, PLEASE, MAY I and THANK YOU! That sounds fucking awesomely insane, and like a lot of work! Just hearing the blend makes me wanna taste this smoke!

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Sadly @Slick1 I have given out all the beans I had of her around the country to friends. Over the past 20+ yrs… That’s why I was planning on doing a reversal, and still will, if this experiment with eXe doesn’t work out!
even though I have around 12-15 of her growing that I can and do use as clone donors, at all times. I don’t want to lose her to some unforeseen ‘wipeout’ catastrophic event…
I can give you clones but no seeds…ATM


Uhm, after seeing the work to make that strain, I would hate to see her lost too…

Did you spray a frankenstein with the eXe too?

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It was so much work to blend them that it’s something i will NEVER do again! literally thousands of red solo cups, all labeled, meticulously. Which strain/clone# crossed with which other Strain/clone# etc budding out the unwanted, and gradually thinning it down to the most desirable phenomes, the finally ending with Frankenstein.
The wife actually told me to move my bed into the grow and get married to the work I was doing, since I didn’t spend any time with her! She even went back to college and got a couple more degrees. lol

A very serious amount of true blood, sweat and tears went into making her! lol


Not sure how clones would fair in the mail considering how the post office is operating these days but if you were willing I might take you up on that in the future when I have room for them!

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I DID spray her, yes. So far no pods though. I’m hoping that the fact all of the plants I sprayed are Phots, not Autos like the ones @Nagel420 sprayed are why it’s slower.

I’ve given clones to many people over the years, and they are almost all still going great. Even @Guitarzan has her growing as a Mother and crossed her with a couple of strains now I believe… I know he did a cross with Durban Poison last year.


:open_mouth: :heart_eyes: :heart:

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the numbers are averages from any testing done over the years. It has tested as high as 29%.
About 10 years ago, i saw King Tut, which tested at over 30% so I got seeds and crossed Frankenstein with King Tut… calling that cross ‘Frankenstein’s Bride’. I also have a few of her going as Mother/clone donors also.


I had a LOT of seeds lol I even sold 100packs to the Dispos here in Tulsa, but they’re sold out.
That was just over 2 years ago.

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Dude. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say thats definitely the reason. I knew how fast that BC was start to finish, and when she would flower, that it would take off quick. Yours being photos, I’ll bet 10 to 1 that yours just take more time… Positive thoughts brother, positive thoughts!!

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Awesome !
I bet that raised the blood pressure a little bit Sounds good man !

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