Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Damn dude! I had no idea, that sounds amazing, good on ya bud

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Ask ANYONE that’s had any longterm romance with Frankenstein and they’ll all tell you the same thing. You NEVER get immune or become inured to her! My family and friends have been smoking her daily over all these years without it even losing the ability to affect you in many ways ,and always performs

That’s over 20 years now…


I did selective pollination on some Frankenstein with PPP pollen from @DougDawson and there are seeds…I’m waiting to see how it did before I name or give any out.


Adding more to the ultimate salad… LOVE it! :smiley:

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Frankenstein’s Bride
a cross of Frankenstein x King Tut (Frankenstein mother x King Tut pollen)
King Tut - 80% Sativa/ 20% Indica
AK47 x Skunk#1(?)
avg THC - 25%-30%
avg CBD - .10-.40%
avg CBN - .01-.06

The AK47 & Skunk is what the strain sites THINK are part of King Tut


Such a cool story man, I feel like it’s every growers dream to do that and make their own little flagship strain to share with their circle, it’s certainly on my list of things to do before I kick the bucket haha


Right? Its one thing to chuck pollen and say ya made seeds. but to introduce strains and work towards stability… definitely on my life goals list.


Think possibly Frankenstein 2.0 lol

Just kidding lol I honestly have no idea until tested. Then I will name the cross.


Absolutely! I feel like I’m technically just in the very early R&D stages running these various genetics, finding moms to keep etc. I’m not just growing herb, I’m doing research!! Haha

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2 and 3 strain crosses I can do in my sleep lol but never again will I try to do that many!

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If you google the strain you’ll see ‘lineage unknown, breeder unknown’ but all who needed to know have known and laughed about that ever since Frankenstein came on the national scene.
Now that I’m ‘legit as it git’ and no longer gorilla grower, my name is gradually becoming associated with her on some strain review sites.


Son of Frankenstein?

Or Frankenstein’s Daughter

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or a ‘stand alone’ name
Undecided until I try it out and see. Also it has to breed consistently, there’s a lot of work still involved, especially with first gen seeds.
Everything is ‘wild’ or all over the place. I have to pick the phenomes and stabilize it.

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I want to thank all of you for talking about Frankenstein with me! lol
Talking about her ALWAYS is good for a ‘pick-me-up’ … I basically come back to life, when I’m asked about her.
So, y’all inadvertently or accidentally made me feel a LOT better this morning!


Glad to help but I can’t claim anything but happy coincidence! :laughing:


I didn’t realize it until after the fact myself cuz lol but had to mention it!


Hey @JohnnyPotseed (or anyone that knows)- How often/heavy should I be spraying with 250ppm silver for reversal?

Is that the colloidal or STS? I’m not sure about the’ how often’ cuz maybe someone that has used them both often enough successfully might jump in here with the answer?
Tag @blkmetal ??
Or maybe @Mr.Sparkle ??


Colloidal. I couldn’t mess with the eXe because it called for spraying before sexing. I thought you had used the colloidal in the past before the eXe for some reason.

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